futureproof your pc


May 2, 2017
my budget dictates that i can get either rx470 8gb or rx480 4gb, i can not buy a new gpu before 2020, what will you suggest, may i inform you that i have a pentium g4560 and 8gb of ram, i can buy an i5 if i buy one of these cards, i can get a 8gb rx480 but then i will have to live with the g4560 for a year or so

As said earlier, you can expect to see some pretty painful backlash with clenching your fist on that G4560. It's a weaker CPU right now, let alone for the next 3 years. While you're not getting a 480 (which isn't...
Well, if you try to use a 480 4GB on a Pentium G4560, you're not getting the optimal performance. This mid-range card on a relatively low-end 2-core, 4 thread CPU will not be the best pair. Optimally, you'll want to get the RX 470 8GB, which is still very capable and can come close to its 480 big brother with some modest OCing, and the i5, which will be a MUCH better pair over the G4560.

how about i5 7500+rx470 8gb for 2020 survival, or buy rx480 8gb right now, live with bottlenecks and buy an i5 in a year or so

As said earlier, you can expect to see some pretty painful backlash with clenching your fist on that G4560. It's a weaker CPU right now, let alone for the next 3 years. While you're not getting a 480 (which isn't a top-tier card to begin with, bloody Vega just really needs to get out here) you'd still be getting a system that's moderately capable, with the i5 and 470. It'll do pretty well at 1080p gaming.

ok then, getting a rx470 8gb and an i5

Question from nabilrezwan : "futureproof my gpu"