Emojied :
lfkfkfkffs :
I honestly would just get the g4560 for that kind of budget over any FX chip.
That was my original plan, but I would personally rather have a better gpu and upgrade the cpu in the future than the g4560 as I would need new memory and the motherboard prices for LGA 1151 are a lot higher in my experience.
There are several budget b250 motherboards under $70.
Even in this scenario you outline, an FX is a very poor choice. You talk about upgrading the CPU later, but once you buy a budget AM3+ motherboard, there *is* no upgrade. Budget FX motherboards are absolutely horrid at running the 125W CPUs, so upgrading to them isn't really an option unless you spend $100+ to get one of a handful of recommended 970 motherboards or a...