FX 5800 sound issues are not really an issue


Jan 28, 2003
First off I can't believe out of all the techy dweebs and hardware geeks(meant in a nice way :) ) around here think sound would be an issue. Have you people not heard of <A HREF="http://www.dynamat.com/computer.htm" target="_new">Dynamat</A> before? Sound proof your case already... sheesh. I used left over material when I sound proofed my car but dynamat sells PC sound proofing kits for a very nice price. Apply it to every square centimeter inside your case cover that has bare metal and your all set for a very quite rig. Add that to the fact that 3rd party card makers will probably use there own quiter fan units this issue is NULL.


Well keep in mind that soundproofing also insulates-higher temps, and that soundproofing can't go overtop where your fans are, and thats were all the noise comes out anyways. I saw if you're going to spend the money on the card, get water cooling and take off the monster fan and just cool it with water. Itd probably perform much better because it operates at extreme high temps and it'd be very very quieter. (is quieter a word?)


Well keep in mind that soundproofing also insulates-higher temps, and that soundproofing can't go overtop where your fans are, and thats were all the noise comes out anyways. I say if you're going to spend the money on the card, get water cooling and take off the monster fan and just cool it with water. Itd probably perform much better because it operates at extreme high temps and it'd be very very quieter. (is quieter a word?)


As consumers we are not supposed to hassle ourselves to buying more things just to make one thing work adequately.

This post is brought to you by Eden, on a Via Eden, in the garden of Eden. :smile:


Jan 28, 2003
I've sound proofed with Dynamat many times for friends as well as my own. PC noise is cut but 50% in every case.
And no heat is not an Issue with Dynamat either. It doesn't act like an insulator. It's termally neutral in PC cases. Just as if you had a bare surface inside.
Please go read Dynamats FAQ (link above) on how it works.
BTW Fan holes are a very small part of noise problems. Metal cases are just plain noisy and make excellent noise conductors.


Former Staff
I use a plastic case, a high quality Palo Alto case for Micron. Similar to old Dell cases, but with a nicer looking front panel. And I still wouldn't run that card. If my case can insulate 50% of the noise, it's still twice as loud as the next loudest thing in my system.

<font color=blue>You're posting in a forum with class. It may be third class, but it's still class!</font color=blue>


Aug 30, 2002
Go to <A HREF="http://www.anandtech.com" target="_new">http://www.anandtech.com</A> and read their review of the FX 5800, they have the sound from the card recorded as well as the sound from a 9700Pro. Sound is definately an issue with this card, especially when the fan speeds up.

<b>Just because I like AMD or Intel more at a time because of one product compared to another, does not make me a fan boy, it makes me a person who is able to make a descision for myself.</b>


Dec 28, 2002
Its as simple as what crash said and what most reviews have said. This card does have nice features and an ingenious way to cool itself. But straight up, this thing is over clocked. There is no reason for it to put out that much heat and that much noise. This latest card just seems like something pushed out the door to try and close the gap. Like i told a friend when the 9700pro was beginning, "Nvidia better watch themselves, we saw this type of thing before with 3dfx and NV."

And look where we are at? This long after the release of the 9700pro and the biggest and baddest thing Nvidia can dish up is a 5%-10% lead? C'mon NV you can do better than that. Along with this, you know this is a rush to get the fastest thing out for Doom3. Just like when NV pleaded with iD to use an overclocked-liquid cooled Geforce4 for the preview of doom3. Seems like this card is just the same, extremelly overclocked geforce4 with some hellish attempt at air cooling it.

Note: Get it quiet, Cool, and 256bit memory; then you would have had a winner.

The Pentium 5! Same bang, for more bucks!


Oct 10, 2002
What about people with case windows and lights.
It would look pretty shabby to have lights and stuff and have the entire inside clogged with insulation (dynamat or whatever!). Include the added heat from less space and the heat being keep inside the case.
And to do all of this for what? One very noisy video card. Eh?



Jul 17, 2002
Lets spend an extra $50 in addition to the $400+ dollars that your paying for the video card. Not to mention all the extra work you do. And for what? To get minor performance over the next best performing card? Third party makers have to keep the fan at a certain speed so that the card doesn't burn out. It can't be to much quieter.


Oct 10, 2002
Dont forget the 256meg fx would run about 500 dollars then about 50 for insulation then about 300 bux for watercooling because the fan on the fx wont work and the heat from inside the case wont help the video card much either.



WTF? Are you on commission or something?
There is no way I'd shove this stuff inside my PC, temp would go up up up... I don't see how it can't affect the temp.
And anyway, why should I have to purchase it? I would not expect to have a card that produced so much noise that'd I'd think I was at a Slayer concert.


Feb 15, 2001
is quieter a word?
Yes. I would have said much quieter instead of very quieter. :smile:

qui·et (kw?'?t)
adj., -et·er, -et·est.
Making little or no noise: quiet neighbors; a quiet engine.
Free of loud noise; hushed: a quiet street.
Calm and unmoving; still: a quiet lake.
Free of turmoil and agitation; untroubled. See synonyms at still1.
Restful; soothing: a quiet afternoon nap; a quiet tune on the flute.
Tranquil; serene: a quiet place in the country.
Not showy or garish; subdued: a room decorated in quiet colors.
Restrained in style; understated: a quiet strength; a quiet life.
<b>Courtesy of Atomica Slingshot (my saving grace too often)</b>

<font color=red>The solution may be obvious, but I can't see it for the smoke coming off my processor.</font color=red>


Apr 24, 2002
Yeah the card as it stands right now is way to loud. I don't know about anyone else but I would have waited another 3 to 4 months for something that had a 20% peformance increase and less noise. Hopefully by the time this hits the market the noise level will be decreased. I can't imagine that it will decrease by much though.

<font color=red>Happy! Happy!</font color=red> <font color=blue>Joy! Joy!</font color=blue>


Dec 31, 2007
I don't know how much Dynamat would help since much of the noise will be coming from the intake and exhaust which are EXTERNAL on this card.

This card is a huge, hot, noisy, expensive attempt by Nvidia to keep up with ATI. Given all the drawbacks, I can't imagine anyone would buy it when they can get a R9700 that performs just slightly worse for much less money.

"I'm a man armed with a fork in a land of soup."


Apr 24, 2002
Agreed. Someone from Nvidia better come to these forums and start reading. I have a Ti4600 and I'm more than happy with the abilities of my card. The FX card needs a lot of reform to make it popular.

<font color=red>Happy! Happy!</font color=red> <font color=blue>Joy! Joy!</font color=blue>