FX-6300 + Asus GTX 760

Jan 13, 2014
Hi all!!!
Will this PC handle perfectly with games like Crysis 3 and BF4 on high/ultra settings and other new games on 1920x1080p???
MoBo MSI AMD 970a-G43
CPU: AMD fx-6300 3.5 ghz
GPU: Asus GTX 760 2gb
2x4gb ram 1333 mhz
HDD 1tb 7200rpm
If you haven't bought yet, I suggest a better motherboard, then an aftermarket cooler so you can bump up to at least 4.0ghz. THG recommends the FX 6300 at minimum for Crysis 3. I don't see ultra happening with that config. High with some of the extra eye candy turned down or off, possibly though.

nope. i already own this MoBo
and my current CPU is fx-4300 and it's really bad in hi-end games. it's bottlenecking gtx 760: cpu is 100% load and gpu is 50-70% load.
won't fx-6300 bottleneck gtx 760?

okay, thanx) i am upgrading to fx-6300, because it's not very expensive for me, but fx-8320 is not very good for this mobo and too expensive for me
also i am bying Zalman CNPS5X Performa cpu cooler
i have a low end mobo and overclocked 6300 to 4.0 easily with no voltage changes, prime tested stable. If I had a better mobo you can really push this chip a lot higher. I loaded up battlefield 3 last night for the first time and it defaulted to high and was playing great. Also with a 212 EVO cooler, this chip is amazingly cool, mine idles at like 20 C and full load of 39C