fx 6300 bottleneck for gtx 760


Jul 13, 2013
Hi guy,
Well at the risk of being redundant...
will fx6300 restrict the gtx 760??
I5 3570k out of budget... any other suggestions...
First build :)

How exactly would he only have to spend a extra $60 when going from a AMD platform to intel would mean the purchase of a motherboard and CPU on top of getting the GTX 760? You can't just drop a entry level i5 into a AMD motherboard.

And I think you will be just fine with a FX-6300 fitted with a GTX 760. Games are more and more GPU bound making a good GPU even more important.
I did not see him mention that he bought an AMD board yet, so therefore, he can get an intel board.


Well he didn't have I mention he has a AMD motherboard. AMD processors go in AMD motherboards only. Intel processors go in intel motherboards only. Simple as that. And on the OP, you should be fine with your system 😀
I have a c2d q6600 @ 3.6 or 3.8 depending on the temp in my place. It crushes the i3 3220
I have them both and tried lots of games and there is no contest the frame rates are far more stable on the Q6600
amd and nvidia gpu's

The 6300 if you get it up to 4.5 or even 4.2 it's gonna be a far better gaming machine.

With a good mobo and cooling i've seen 3 in person to hit 5 Ghz and on the web in different forums tons more.

THIS IS NOT TYPICAL but it's a good indicator of what that bad boy can do.

@ 4.2-4.5 Ghz you will not fee any kind of bottle neck. There may be one but you will not feel it.

You have a great proc just oc it and enjoy , it is better equipped than any i3 by a wide margin

well said. OP you wont regret getting a fx 6300.
Thanks a lot guys!!
One last thing... m buying this stuff from amazon... have a grand gift certificate stashed...
A friend said to wait for black friday.... are the offers that great??

You wouldn't get that much better of a deal then with the gift certificate. Just go ahead and buy it!

Would have to settle for gtx 660... if i go for the i5...
That could not be better than 6300+760 gtx...