fx 6300 for 1080p gaming.

Think you are ontrack with the 4460 and 970, 8GB of DRAM may sound tempting but you won't be using it unless you go multi-monitor and faster/higher resolution monitors, also keep in mind the 390 is basically a rebranded 2xx series with added and different memory
looking to build a new gaming rig. im thinking of going with an intel i5 4460 paired with a strix r9 390 however im having second thoughts about it. im not really a hardcore gamer. i just want to be able to play the latest games.

What's your budget?
Keep in mind you wont be able to play GTA V and some other titles with the 6300 because GTA specifically is very processor demanding. other games you should be fine with though.
I cannot recomend the GTX 970 enough. I have been an AMD fan forever until recently I bought an R9 390x and a high end 970, after a couple tests the 970 ended up being quieter, pulling less power and even out performing the 390x at 4K despite the 390x's wider memory bus and more VRAM. These cards might be a bit out of your budget but the point is don't overlook the 970. The GPU should be about half of your budget in a gaming PC
You CAN play GTA with the 6300. Thats not true at all. Its fine at high on my 6300 and 970. Mind you however, a dual core i3 6100 will give you 9 FPS more in the same game. I really say go Intel. I have the 6300 and I try not to hate on it to much, but I regret not putting the money I had towards an Intel CPU when it would have only cost $75-$100 more and youd have it for longer while getting better performance. Until Zen comes out, I'm sorry AMD, but your CPU's are no good. The good news is however that if you can wait several months (Almost a year really, so I doubt it) Zen will have Intel Haswell-esque performance with two to four more cores for the same price or less as Haswell was. as of now though, go with a cheap i5. Almost any i5 will ultimately outdo the FX.

I've done a quick pc build it s a it above the 600$ but it should do for you. Intel are better cpu's but you should be fine with an fx, I actually have no problems with mine alongside a 970 gpu. Anyway feel free to take a look. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/MWZZkL

i felt the same way. I should clarify, I got a very cheap low end 390x (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150727&cm_re=xfx_r9_390x-_-14-150-727-_-Product) and a high end gtx970 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125840&cm_re=gigabyte_gtx_970-_-14-125-840-_-Product)
Think you are ontrack with the 4460 and 970, 8GB of DRAM may sound tempting but you won't be using it unless you go multi-monitor and faster/higher resolution monitors, also keep in mind the 390 is basically a rebranded 2xx series with added and different memory

AMD and nvidia have very different architectures, you can't compare cuda cores to stream processors. The best way to compare GPU performance is going to YouTube and watch digital foundries video comparisons. They will show you the fps of 4 different cards at different resolutions in AAA games in each video.

I agree with you about the i3 choice but about the 6300, I had it at stock speed which I believe was 3.5 and you have yours at 4.6Ghz, a huge difference. Again, you will not be able to play GTA V and other processor intensive games without overclocking.