You CAN play GTA with the 6300. Thats not true at all. Its fine at high on my 6300 and 970. Mind you however, a dual core i3 6100 will give you 9 FPS more in the same game. I really say go Intel. I have the 6300 and I try not to hate on it to much, but I regret not putting the money I had towards an Intel CPU when it would have only cost $75-$100 more and youd have it for longer while getting better performance. Until Zen comes out, I'm sorry AMD, but your CPU's are no good. The good news is however that if you can wait several months (Almost a year really, so I doubt it) Zen will have Intel Haswell-esque performance with two to four more cores for the same price or less as Haswell was. as of now though, go with a cheap i5. Almost any i5 will ultimately outdo the FX.