fx 6300/ gtx 960 or i5 4460/ gtx 950 for new games?


oh, thats ok. The 500W are fine for your FX-8320 and GTX 960. If you want a quieter, less consumpting and cooler CPU you can also go for FX 8320E, which is also cheaper. (its performance is slightly worse than the FX-8320 though)

Yup. it's a value for money low budget CPU, you''ll love it. You're going to combine the fx 8320 with the GTX 960, right?
Also which PSU do you own? Will you be overclocking?

no overclocking i will go for case coolermaster like k281 that have its own psu


oh, thats ok. The 500W are fine for your FX-8320 and GTX 960. If you want a quieter, less consumpting and cooler CPU you can also go for FX 8320E, which is also cheaper. (its performance is slightly worse than the FX-8320 though)

ok thanks

Glad to know that I helped. If you need more information or help just send a private message.
I'd go with the I5 and upgrade to a better video card in about a year. The FX series is going to be totally absolute very soon. a 6300 and 960 will be adequate but in a year or so you'll be pissed off that your CPU is so slow. The I5 will be solid for a few years to come and you can always upgrade the video card.