FX-6300 high Usage

Sep 29, 2018
My cpu has been jumping up to 100% constantly when playing Rainbow Six Siege this also happens once in a while while playing Fortnite, if you guys have any idea how to fix this or what is wrong please let me know. My cpu temps are pretty good too and runs at around 30 degrees at idle.
MOBO: Gigabyte 970A-DS3P FX
GPU: GTX 660
Ram: idk was given to me from a friend never told me the name I only know that its clocked at 800mhz and its 2 sticks of 4

Hey sorry for the late response but yes when playing rainbow I noticed input lag but didn't know what it was at the time then when I opened task manager I realized it was my CPU it is really easy to tell now if my cousin is at 100 percent I'll notice that I'm getting like 2 frames when even tho my fps counter says 60 and you can notice input lag