FX 6300 on ECS A960M-M4 "Barely capable of running even at stock speeds?"

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Nov 16, 2012
Hi guys I have a question, a friend of mine sold me his AMD FX-6300 Vishera and I still have my stock Motherboard that came in with the previous package which is ECS A960M-M4. I was searching for overclocking sites and I stumbled upon this post on tomshardware since he has the same motherboard:


Apparently they said that the motherboard can barely run the CPU even at stock speeds. Does that mean that my CPU isn't running properly with my motherboard even at stock speed? I was using AMD FX-4300 before and I didn't plan to change since I know it's compatible. I have mine overclocked to 3.85ghz (at 220 cpu frequency on the bios).
The thing is it probably blue screens because the board can't deliver enough power to the chip. If you had a better board I have no doubt you'd be able to go much higher then 220MHz. Your board just can't get enough power to the chip to let it go higher. A 970/990 based board will do a much better job then your 760 board.

won't that damage or cause problems to my Processor?

It won't damage the board. As you experienced, if your CPU can't get the power it needs you'll get a blue screen. This won't damage or hurt your CPU in any physical way.

The 990s are best, but a good 970 is fine as well.
I think the bigger issue is that it uses the AMD 760 chipset. This thing is OLD. AMD brought out the 9xx chipset to run dozer, and this one is a couple of generations old. Worse, it's not the 790 chipset which was the high end one from that gen, it's the 760 which was meant for avg/normal use. I had a laugh when I looked up the board on ECS's website where they advertised what the board has. Anytime you mention the COM port you know you aren't dealing with a modern high end board.


Applied Solid Capacitor for CPU VRM to ensure a longer lifespan for system
ECS Durathon Technology ensure the stability, reliability and performance of system.
1 COM designed for various IPC applications
Windows 8 Workable support
ECS Intelligent EZ Utility : eBLU, eDLU, eSF
Free Bundle: CyberLink Media Suite

While they don't list it, I suspect it's only able to run 125W CPUs tops. (140W+ CPUs are a no no.) Looking at the CPU support list the AMD 9xxx CPUs aren't listed, and only 95W CPUs are. That chipset/board just can't supply enough power to the 125W CPUs. You said it was working, so good for you. I wouldn't try OCing on it.

I am an idiot so that's one hahahahaha Anyway, can you suggest a motherboard that would be good for FX 6300? I really am not familiar with the motherboard other than its compatibilities with the processor. something on the budget type motherboard less $100 would be nice. Also is there a chance that the motherboard might break the CPU or the motherboard itself? I resetted the CPU frequency so It won't cause any damage 🙁

My reply was more towards Johnny who seemed to feel that people hate on that board just because it was from ECS. I would hate on that board not because it's ECS, but because it wasn't designed for that chip. I would look towards any of the 990 boards on newegg if you want one that can handle that chip. But if everything is ok there is no need to upgrade.

I only get bluescreens when OCed to anything higher than 220 CPU Frequency. Other than the the system runs fine, but won't that damage or cause problems to my Processor? I live in the Philippines and the nearest upgrade would be the MSI 970 Gaming AM3+ I've been checking everywhere for an ASUS M5A97 both of them aren't cheap and the M5A97 needs to be shipped since it's too far.
The thing is it probably blue screens because the board can't deliver enough power to the chip. If you had a better board I have no doubt you'd be able to go much higher then 220MHz. Your board just can't get enough power to the chip to let it go higher. A 970/990 based board will do a much better job then your 760 board.

won't that damage or cause problems to my Processor?

It won't damage the board. As you experienced, if your CPU can't get the power it needs you'll get a blue screen. This won't damage or hurt your CPU in any physical way.

The 990s are best, but a good 970 is fine as well.

Alright! thank you very much for the info! 😀
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