Hello, im having an issue with my fx 6300 on a gigabyte 78mlt-usb 3 rev 5.0 mb, i know its not a overclocking mb but i had no issues in the past but now its different, im noticing vcore throttling on my cpu when temps are perfectly fine? Im trying to run a safer 4.5ghz, i set vcore to 1.45 in bios which gives me 1.39/1.404 under full load, this is with LLC enabled, so again not an overclocking board
After about 20 minutes in hwinfo and cpuz my minimum vcore drops way down to 1.118/1.23 at times, but i dont know why, all cores are at 100% cpu core temp is around 43/44 degrees, mb temp is 27. There is also 2 cpu temps in hwinfo 1 is cpu 0 which i believe is core temp and then cpu,
cpu 0 is around 44 and cpu is around 38, i have also set a warning in bios if cpu socket goes over 70 degrees which it never does, any idea whats causing the trottling? It cant be temps right? Is the chip damaged?

cpu 0 is around 44 and cpu is around 38, i have also set a warning in bios if cpu socket goes over 70 degrees which it never does, any idea whats causing the trottling? It cant be temps right? Is the chip damaged?