FX 6300 Temps


Nov 16, 2013
I have had a FX 6300 for a month now and haven't had any issues with it other than the temps. I have core temp and CPU Z and they both give me the same readings. Right now typing this it idles at 9-11 degrees. However, when put under a stress test the temperature slowly increases to 40 degrees and then shoots to over 250. I know this is a false reading or I wouldn't be typing this right now. I was just curious if this is something to be worried about or does it not matter and also what would cause this. My board is a MSI 760GM-P23 is that would make any difference. I have a H80i in the mail now any would the water temp sensors on that give a more accurate reading after it stabilizes?
The temperature sensors are on the motherboard and not the cooler. When your CPU temperature is showing high reach into your case and touch your heatsink near it's base and feel how warm it is.The FX 6300 usually runs quite cool when it's not overclocked.
Just to make sure you did fit the heatsink correctly?
Used only a small amount of thermal paste? It's not spread out of the sides when you installed your heatsink?
The fan is all plugged in and working?
Have you checked the temperature in the bios?

Anyway the water cooler should keep that CPU very cool:)
It might be a faulty temperature sensor on the motherboard.
I would try a couple more programs that test for heat(HWmonitor is one) and look at the temps in BIOS...
If they're all faulty then the only thing that you can assume is the sensor on the Motherboard is broken. It's not going to ruin anything if your temps are truly fine but not knowing what your CPU temp is sucjs...I would either RMA the mobo or just get a new one at that point.

Also I'd be careful O.C.ing with a 760 board..the compasitors arn't the best and most sites highly advise against it.
The temperature sensors are on the motherboard and not the cooler. When your CPU temperature is showing high reach into your case and touch your heatsink near it's base and feel how warm it is.The FX 6300 usually runs quite cool when it's not overclocked.
Just to make sure you did fit the heatsink correctly?
Used only a small amount of thermal paste? It's not spread out of the sides when you installed your heatsink?
The fan is all plugged in and working?
Have you checked the temperature in the bios?

Anyway the water cooler should keep that CPU very cool:)
It might be a faulty temperature sensor on the motherboard.

When I get the h80i and put the turbo multiplier to something low like 4.5 and a capacitor fails will that fry just the board or the cpu too. This was my first pc build and over the last month I've probably tripled my prior knowledge in pc's and now see the value in a nicer mobo because now it seems like it is holding back the rest of my pc with the pci 2, sata 2, 1333mhz max on the RAM and no usb 3.So if just the mobo fails I'll just get a new one and send this one in under warranty and put the new one in another pc. What are your thoughts on this?
Here is the data after 15 minutes of prime 95, what do you guys think?