FX 6300 underclocks itself when @100% usage

It sounds like you're thermal throttling, the cpu temps are getting too high and the cpu is downclocking itself to lower temps. Amd overdrive might give you a more accurate temperature reading than hwmonitor, amd cpu's can be difficult for programs to read properly. 65c is about the temp where it begins to throttle.

What cooler are you using? You may need to upgrade to a better cooler.
I'm using the stock cooler. It's running most of the time @ 3500RPM.
FX6300 @3.5 [no over]
ASRock N68 S3 FX

Since it's max temperature is 70.5, then maybe I should buy a better cooler? I though the stock one was enough if I would not overclock it.
For now underclocking it to 3.0 GHZ works just well, 39~45ºC while playing. I'll try cleaning the cooler and applying new thermal paste, if it doesn't work, I'm going to buy a new cooler. I don't plan on buying another motherboard because the fx6300 is getting outdated and maybe I will get a new processor soon.

For now I think that's all information I needed, thanks guys :)