FX-6350 and Biostar Ta970 or 6300/M5a97

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Dec 5, 2013
So I'm trying to put together a budget build (450-600) mainly for some gaming and browsing, but that will last a few years and this is what I have so far.

[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/bFnGbv)

**CPU** | [AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor]
**CPU Cooler** | [Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler]
**Motherboard** | [Asus M5A97 R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard]
**Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory]
**Storage** | [Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive]
**Video Card** | [Sapphire Radeon R9 270 2GB Dual-X Video Card]
**Optical Drive** | [Samsung SH-224DB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer]

plus case/psu

However, Newegg has a deal on a AMD 6350 and a BIOSTAR TA970 AM3+ AMD 970 + SB950 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Motherboard for around 160, or 50 dollars cheaper than my current MOBO/CPU combo.

I had planned on overclocking the 6300 because that's what everyone does, but I'm wondering if I'm going a bit too high end on the mobo, does anyone have any other suggestions of a good mobo that won't bottleneck the rest of the build? Or is the combo I listed better overall (cost/performance wise)

also, will 450 w be enough to overclock the processor and possibly gpu or should I go with 500, pcpartpicker says its around 350 as is.

any other advice would be appreciated as well.

Don't get that Biostar Mobo dude just don't
I'd go with this PSU i mean you can't beat its price

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: XFX 650W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($49.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $49.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

okay lol. I'll stick with the ASUS, and go with the build as it is.

Also, Newegg has a cx500 bronze certified for 29.99 after rebbate right now, I think I'm gonna get that since its a good price. not as much wattage as the one u listed, but it should be okay?
The 6350 is nothing more than a factory OC 6300, so that's a waste of money right there, the biostar boards are cheaply built, using crappy components and little if any quality control, huge waste of money. It's a no brainer. Asus and 6300, decent OC, and you get to play with the big boys.

As far as a psu goes, the XFX 650 previously mentioned is an excellent unit, but for a single card such as your 270 all you need is the 550w XFX core edition (unless you plan on future crossfire), which is usually slightly cheaper and will power upto and includes a gtx780 ti, so absolutely no power worries there on XFX/seasonic units.

I wouldn't recommend buying a corsair PSU
As Tradesman1 said they use cheap caps
try going for EVGA 600B PSU don't go as low as 500 so you can OC happily
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor ($115.98 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($25.98 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($77.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Sniper Series 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($79.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($54.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon R9 270 2GB Dual-X Video Card ($139.99 @ Newegg)
Optical Drive: Samsung SH-224DB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer ($15.99 @ Micro Center)
Total: $510.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

yea I agree I have a CX430 in my AMD Sempron 145 build and it doesn't make that much noise but underload it gets really loud I changed it out for a EVGA 500 watt It made noise even watching a Netflix video just shitty PSUs stay away from them
Go with the Biostar MB I have had great luck with TA970 great performance and has a solid current chip-set best bang for a buck out there unlike the ASUS boards... I also like gigabyte and ECS boards but I would avoid ASUS way over hyped... I am not a fan of overclocking just buy the CPU speed you want and leave it at factory settings you will have a lot more stable cool system...
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