FX 8120 CM T4 Help with overlock, new cooler, doubts


Sep 28, 2016
Hello there, i just have bought a cooler master hyper t4 for my FX 8120, i've been testing some temps and stability with Prime95.

Thing is i got my CPU to 4,0Ghz using only multiplier at x20 with a manual voltage of 1.25 (which might be a little bit low, but i don't get any BSOD for now)

But then when I run Prime95 and check temps and overlock with Cpu Temp it shows me that most cores works only to a 2,8Ghz while others jump to 4,0Ghz and then low again to that 2,8Ghz.

I have tested before with the same programs and less voltage at 3,5Ghz and all cores stayed at that amount over time.

Is this normal? what can I do?

Currently I believe I have C1E and Cool & Quien on in the Bios setting. No turbo or anything. My mobo is a M5A99X EVO

Edit1: Tried with prime95 again and I got a system restart, gonna try with some more voltage.
Edit2: Sorry C1E is disabled in BIOS and C6 is enabled.
I'm less familiar with AMD CPUs, but I believe 72c is the absolute maximum temperature, and that generally you'll want to stay below 60-65c.

For now I think I made the testing too short. I have upped voltage to 1.325 but still getting restarts few mins or even seconds after I run prime95 with small FFts should I increase voltage even more?

I went back to a stable 3,5Ghz and 1,2V.

Cpu in idle is running at 19-21ºC

Full load with smal FFts in prime95 72ºC, maybe I got too overhyped. But i believe i can lower some voltage and keep stable.

Btw, prime95 with small FFts makes way more heat that any current game can generate right?

Yeah i know is way too hot, gonna keep testing. But right now CPU is not downclocking because it stays stable at 3,5Ghz. Any further recommendations? What max acceptable temperature should I try to get?

Alright thanks for the help, gonna keep testing.