FX 8320 8MB L2 Cache only 2MB?


Jan 16, 2016
Read this: http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2940524/send-cpu-rma.html

Now when I'm stress testing my CPU using Prime95 using Hiren's Boot CD's mini Windows XP. But I have realized that my L2 Cache size is only 2MB. It is supposed to be 8MB. I bought it frim TigerDirect (http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4904560)
So did something happen to my CPU? Did it lose 6MB of L2 cache? Is that why it is causing my problems?

I am using Hiren's BootCD mini XP. I can't install Windows because CPU has to be above 60C. But stress test was fine so now I'm leaning towards PSU.

I am using Hiren's BootCD mini XP. I can't install Windows because CPU has to be above 60C. But stress test was fine so now I'm leaning towards PSU.

I am using Hiren's BootCD mini XP. I can't install Windows because CPU has to be above 60C. But stress test was fine so now I'm leaning towards PSU.

I can't install Windows on my new Hard Drive because for some reason my CPU has to be above 60°C for Windows installation to even boot from the USB. I was playing CS GO then suddenly my PC crashed shut down. My hard drive got ruined, so I got that replaced. But after the crash, now all my fans (including CPU) run even though PC is off. I did Memtest, CPU stress test (Prime95). Now I have no idea what is wrong. I have to test my PSU because I think that is the problem now.

As for the CPU, I found out that AMD assigns 1MB per core.

ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0
Seagate Barracuda 1TB
XFX Double D HD Radeon 7970
Adata XPG Black 4GB
SolidGear 850W
AMD FX-8320

The thing is, I can boot my secondary hard drive in safe mode (Windows 7)
You can't boot from USB until the CPU is hot and that doesn't make sense if the motherboard is fine. I wouldn't trust an 850W PSU that doesn't have active PFC, but that's why it's inexpensive. Can you borrow a quality PSU to test? It doesn't have to be powerful to boot and install Windows, but I honestly don't have high hopes that it will work. Regardless of the results, you need to replace that crappy PSU by a quality 550-650W PSU.

Are you using the stock CPU cooler?

Yes I am. I'm using the the cooler that came with my CPU. I got this PSU because I needed a PSU which could provide 60+ amps for my GPU. When I had my last one, it literally blew. It crashed shut down my PC then popped and sparks were flying everywhere. I bought an extra warranty in case. I will try another PSU, but it will take me a while.

I needed a PSU with 53+ AMPS. This PSU gives 58 AMPS on 12V rail. The last one was a budget ($45-600W) PSU. Since I am a student, I can't buy anything expensive.

I only have 1. On the official cards website, it says minimum PSU 500W and recommended PSU 650W which has 54AMPS. hey edited the site which used to show its power usage and it said 52.4Amps min
Technically that doesn't make sense, the card has one 8 pin PCI-E connector (150W), one 6 pin PCI-E connector (75W) and in theory it could draw up to 75W from the PCI-E x16 slot. Since the power draw can't exceed 300W (25A); the 52.4A PSU recommendation exists as a protection against crappy PSUs that can't deliver more than half their +12V rating. It really is up to you, but the PSU is the heart of your system and a crappy unit can always cause serious issues and damage components. It may not be a serious issue while everything still is under warranty since you can get them replaced, but the warranties will eventually expire.

As an example, an EVGA 220-G2-0550-Y1 PSU (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438053) can provide more power on the +12V rail than your crappy PSU. http://www.jonnyguru.com/modules.php?name=NDReviews&file=print&reid=440
40a 12v & you would have been clear for a 7970 & an fx 8 core with a good quality unit , not some bargain basement tier 4/5 model.

As ghislaing states - none of your current issues make any sense , the PSU would be first port of call although in all honesty that board is not really good enough for the 8350.

Dude, sounds like you have no clue of what you are doing.

I know it is pretty crappy but again I had no money. And I would get this http://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=33_1238_443&item_id=072006
or any other that come on sale. Idk why, but I'm just going to do what IT experts and XFX told me to do and get something with high AMPs on a 12V rail on the safe side because who tf knows what is actually right.

Again, student, no extra money. MOBO was the best one available under $105 for AM3+ the time I bought it. I would have gotten the ASUS one but it wasn't in price range. http://www.canadacomputers.com/search_result.php?brand=0&price=1&location=LOND&checkVal0=0&subcat00=1&checkVal1=1&checkVal2=1&checkVal3=0&subcat37=8&checkVal4=1&pagePos=0&keywords=&manu=0&search=1&ccid=1207&cPath=26_1207

I'm testing to see which parts are fine, and which are not.
And TBH, if you guys just want to complain, how bout you guys buy me a PSU and a MOBO then. You guys could just keep it at "PSU isn't good, you should get a better one" & "Mobo isn't the best you could get"