fx 8320e issues


Jun 15, 2015
is there a problem with these chips? unable to turn off core boost, or screen says cpu speed error at 0mhz, and sometimes issues loading past bios, says running at 4000mhz even though overclocked to 4.6ghz, board is GA-970A-UD3P rev 2, 16gb ram, hd 7850 video (until I upgrade), would just like to have it boot up normally, first time ever coming accross this on a amd processor while overclocking
all temps are good and bellow where it needs to be, at 4.6 GHz I dont even get processor over 60 degrees, vram is close to the same, vcore is less then 1.47. Blck is stock 200mhz, NB is still 2200mhz, HTL is 2400, dram is 1.55, and will not do xmp profiles. When loaded in she runs great if I keep core boost enabled. Disabling will not boot at all I wish I knew how to post the screenshot :)

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what ram are you running & at what speed??

1.47v is high for a 4.6ghz overclock unless you have a sh1tty chip

thats with boost off and rest off.......... thats with boost on and rest off after reloading after error screen at bio prompt. my ram is 16gb and 1600Mhz stock profile since xmp will not allow to boot past bios
whats your actual ram specs??
speed & timings youre running at - memory tab in cpu-z
& post the rated specs - spd tab

is this 2 sticks or 4 ?

hwinfo is better than hw monitor btw.
You should be using amd overdrives thermal margin for your temps rather than 3rd party software

try boost disabled
c1e states disabled
hpc mode enabled

the board is not holding you back,ive hit 4.8ghz on it (although at a much more conservative 1.43v) & the only thing that stopped me is cpu cooling in my rig

post the tabs from cpu-z though mate,the board can be hit & miss with timings on automatic profiles unless youve entered them all manually
I posted the valid tag on cpuz looks like need to fix the memory on it grrr, has it now at 1333 ewwww.....hpc has had no effect disabled or enabled, boost cant disable shows the 0mhz error, c1e I believe is disabled, Ill boot into bios and peak

if your ram is rated 1600mhz then youre going to have to enter your timings manually - the board sometimes insists on settings 1333mhz timings at 1600mhz speeds which causes a boot failure,on higer spec ram youll get away with this,on your adata though obviously not

your error with the core boost is beyond me,Ive used this board on a dozen or so builds,all overclocked & never ever seen it!!
Admittedly Ive never used the 8320e though,set your boost speed to the same speed as your overclock - there should be no issues this way anyway then.