Fx 8350 cooler/temperature problem?


Sep 3, 2017
I just got an Fx 8350 with a gigabyte ga 970A ud3p and I got an aftermarket cooler, zalman cnps8x optima. Pc is running fine, everything good, but the temps in gigabyte appcenter? and another app for monitoring are weird. In idle it has between 15-20 and when I do any other task it rapidly increase to 40-60 then it fluctuates a lot. It even showed 200 °C for a sec but no error, no lags or something else. Mention that i reapplied the cooler and thermal paste cuz it was showing only 77-79 degrees all the time. The cooler heatsink doesn't cover all that cpu plate, there is some space left on top and bottom of the heatsink, as it has those pipes without any kind of plate. Can it be a faulty sensor?
Tm of 40-50 is great. Tons of room left to get warmer. How much warmer is going to depend on the cooler, that Zalman is a @140w budget cooler on a FX 8 series 125w cpu that'll easily top that 140w when pushed. It's really barely better than the stock cooler, so understand plz that if you are getting really small Tm's under higher stress, it's not you, it's not the mobo or any sensor, it's not even the paste or how you pasted it, it's the fact that you have a small cooler on a big cpu. Looks nice though.

All show the same temp. Can it be caused maybe by the cooler that don't cover all the cpu ? Or should I apply the paste again ?
Well then it's not the software.

Two things that aren't normal with what you originally posted.

" It even showed 200 °C"

"was showing only 77-79 degrees all the time"

I think both of these things point to a bad sensor or something similar.

the thing is....THIS>>>"In idle it has between 15-20 and when I do any other task it rapidly increase to 40-60 then it fluctuates a lot. "

is pretty normal.

So what I'm saying is....everything might be perfectly OK.....and your sensor is INTERMITTENT in that sometimes it reads correctly and other times not.

If this is what is happening you may not have anything wrong but you think you might because it is intermittent.


Prime 95 stress test, 100% load with 78-79 degrees, constantly, no changes, for some minutes. I Think it is the sensor
Reapplied paste again, went to bios at first boot. It already had 60 degrees and went up to 79, where it is not changing. And one more thing, bios temp is much higher than it is in one of apps mentioned above

10 minutes of prime95 on 100%, no errors, 77,9 degrees constantly, 224,9 maximum value in HWmonitor, but i watched temps all this time on 3 apps and just that one showed that value... pc case has good airflow, and the air blown out was just a little warm, compared to my last configuration where the air was very hot. Now i have around 19-30 degrees in idle.
Bios temp is always higher than app read temps. Bios is a constant load situation where everything in your pc that's hooked in anyway to the cpu is open and alive. Once windows starts, most of that stuff is downgraded to standby.

You have an FX cpu. Throw out any preconceived ideas of temps according to what ppl are getting from Intel based pc's. They don't apply. Intel has temp sensors physically in the cores and temps are read @2x per second. FX does not. It has sensors under the cpu and around the socket on the motherboard, so temps are different physically by location and most software uses algorithms to arrive at conclusions. Quite unreliable.

For FX cpus the only recommended solution is AMD Overdrive. It uses a Thermal Margin for reading temps. Basically it's a program that tells you how much room your temps have left. It reads the actual cpu design parameters and says you have upto a certain limit. Then it reads, combines all of the available data from the mobo and says you have this much left. So a thermal margin of 40°C means that's what's left before you are cooking the cpu dangerously. A TM of 10°C is dangerously close to overheating. The actual physical number is not important, there's no difference between 40 and 30, you are still quite safe, it's the range that's important. 30-40 is great, 10-20 is not so good and 0-10 is seriously hot.

Unlike any other aftermarket program, AMD Overdrive was written specifically by AMD for FX cpus.

Actual physical core temp max of FX cpus is 62-63°C. Yet ppl constantly run temps of over 70°C in stress tests. Might tell you something doesn't add up right with temp readings.

Even here, TM changes every second, from + from - values. Is that normal? Or is that sensor bad ?
Normal. With windows, there's always something happening, AV checks, Lan checks, update checks, pc health checks, something. Consequently getting true idle is a pain as every time something is opened/run it bounces beyond the 5% cpu mark. That takes the cpu out of idle speeds and into full speeds, which increases temps dramatically. My pc constantly bounces between 30 and 50ish, even if that 50ish only lasts a second or two.

What numbers are your tm's showing?

Right now TM is 30-40 C, even 50, but this in idle
Tm of 40-50 is great. Tons of room left to get warmer. How much warmer is going to depend on the cooler, that Zalman is a @140w budget cooler on a FX 8 series 125w cpu that'll easily top that 140w when pushed. It's really barely better than the stock cooler, so understand plz that if you are getting really small Tm's under higher stress, it's not you, it's not the mobo or any sensor, it's not even the paste or how you pasted it, it's the fact that you have a small cooler on a big cpu. Looks nice though.