FX 8350 OC Help


Jun 18, 2013
Hi Everyone,

I have tried slightly OCing my system a few weeks ago by increasing it to 4.4ghz without changing the voltages. First I ran Prime 95 with the stock clock and after an hour or so Core 7 has failed. Then, I OC it and started Prime 95; after 5 minutes I got the bsod. Here is my build spec:

FX 8350 Vishera
ASUS M5A97 R 2.0
Corsair H55 CPU Water Cooler
Corsair TX 750W PSU
Corsair 8gb Vengeance
HD 5970 Reference
Samsung Evo 120 gb SSD
Cooler Master Haf 932 Advanced

I don't know if I'm OCing wrong, but I followed this guide http://www.overclock.net/t/1140459/bulldozer-overclocking-guide-performance-scaling-charts-max-ocs-ln2-results-coming.

My idle stock temps are around 5-15 degrees and with 100% load it jumps to about 40 degrees.

Can anyone give me some advice?

that mobo is not made to overclock especially with that cpu, its only a 4 phase vrm design, you could overheat those very quickly with that cpu.

if you want go to the bios disable the turbo, and put the ratio so it goes to 4200mhz and set the voltage to manual of about 1.34-1.36

try to get the lowest vcore possible and it being stable, I wouldnt go over 4.2 on that board, downlaod hwinfo 64 and look at your vrm temps under load
1) Are you using manual voltages?
2) What's your CPU voltage set at?
3) Which prime95 tests are you doing?
4) Have you disabled all power saving features? (C9, Cool n Quiet ETC).
5) Check your RAM model, google it to find a data sheet, and manually set the RAM timings and voltage.

The guide is very useful, ensure you follow it closely.

It's a 4+2, so it's good enough up to around 4.5-4.6. SInce it has heatsinked VRMs too.

AMD sensors are notoriously inaccurate until you reach around 40C, so I assume that's what he's seeing.
I had that same exact board with my 8350, ive upgraded my board since, but that board will get you to 4.5, I wouldn't recommend anything farther than that though. You need to go into bios, disable turbo, and energy savings, cool and quiet. I would also recommend disabling c1e and any other power saving feature like that. you will then increase multiplier and bus speeds, go little by little. The screen on top should give you an estimate of what your goal clock speed will be after you start changing bus speeds and multiplier. With the multiplier, don't go very far, maybe 1 or 1.5 increase, and bus speeds maybe a bit more. when it shows 4.5ghz goal on top, then check your cpu voltage, you might need around 1.3-1.4 volts for this. I def. wouldn't reccoment anything over 1.45 on this board. You will also need a good cpu cooler for this as well. stock will not keep up at even 4.4 ghz

I've never played around with the voltage control, so I left that on auto. Although after work today I'm going to try to OC it again and let you all know the results..

1) I set the voltage on auto
2) ^
3) I used the blend test
4) Yes, all those features have been disabled
5) Here is the tech sheet for my memory: http://www.corsair.com/vengeance-low-profile-8gb-dual-channel-ddr3-memory-kit-cml8gx3m2a1600c9.html


I live in the northeast and I leave my window open at all times. So the ambient temp in my room is very cold lol. However, I did not get a BSOD, it just stated that one of my cores has failed.

Thanks for the recommendation! I will definitely try it when I get home tonight. Is my psu good enough to overclock this cpu along with my other components?


it doesnt matter if it has a heatsink a 4+2 is not made for the 8 cores I wouldnt go over 4.2 with it unless you have a fan strapped to that heatsink.

my 8 phase @ 4.6 would be 70+c under high load without a fan on it

fx cpus dont read temps at idle correct at all, only under load will they start reading correctly,

I ran my 8320 @ 4.5 on the M5A97 R2.0 stable for a long while without a single issue.