FX-8350 on MSI 760GM-P34(FX) (MS-7641)


Dec 23, 2014
I'm using FX-8350 on MSI 760GM-P34(FX). A lot of people on Steam Community told me all these terrible stuffs will happen, like it will catch on fire, it will explore, and similar stuffs. However, I have been using them for months now, and nothing terrible really happen. Only few time shut down when I trying overclocking, and it run fine even I overclocked it to 4.30 to 4.40GHz. After, I heard all these terrible stuffs on internet about putting a 125W CPU on a 95W board, now I already disable overclock and turn the CPU speed back its original.

So, is it ok for me to continue using them together? I have not see any problem (yet).

(My EVGA GTX 970 SSC ACX 2.0+ 4GB is coming tomorrow to replace my old GTX 760)
My current system:
- AMD FX-8350 4.0GHz
- CPU heat sink Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
- EVGA Geforce GTX 760 SC EVGA ACX Cooler 2GB (EVGA PrecisionX 16 overclocked)
+ Power Target: 115%
+ GPU Temp Target: 95'C
+ GPU Clock Offset: +65MHz
+ Mem Clock Offset: +450MHz
- 8GB RAM 1333mhz
- MSI 760GM-P34(FX) (MS-7641) Motherboard
- EVGA Bronze 600W PSU
The site you are using said that they are guessing based on the specs, but as bignastyid said it is not supported from MSI's site which is better trusted since they created the board. I would look into a 990 board with that processor depending on what your budget would allow. Would hate to see you ruin a 970 video card.