[SOLVED] fx-8350 with swiftech h220x reaching 80C temps?!

Nico Da Ninja

Dec 8, 2013
My fx-8350 seems way too hot for having a water cooler installed. At idle it's usually around 26-32C. But after a couple minutes of prime95 it gets to almost 80C which I then stop, because that just seems way too high. I recently drained and refilled the coolant with distilled and added an ssd to my build. I've applied thermal paste plenty of times without trouble so I don't think I applied the paste wrong. I wouldn't think that would affect the temps that drastically. It's not overclocked and I have 2 fans push and 1 pull. PC isn't that dusty and kept on wood desk. 5 fans total. Are these temps reasonable or is there something wrong I need to fix? I can't figure out why the temps are too damn high!
There's something going really wrong. Check if the pump if still working, repaste (too much paste is definitely better than not enough, just dont be cheap and dont try to cover it like you are pasting a brick on a wall), fix the screws tight, etc.
There's something going really wrong. Check if the pump if still working, repaste (too much paste is definitely better than not enough, just dont be cheap and dont try to cover it like you are pasting a brick on a wall), fix the screws tight, etc.

There's a nice amount of paste on there, a little bigger than a piece of rice, I think i'm going to try to top off my cooler since it isn't completely full and tighten the screws. I'll update.
Use AMD Overdrive to monitor your temperatures correctly. Bulldozer family CPUs and APUs use a temperature signal that 3rd party software can't interpret correctly. It will show a thermal margin in relation to the temperature at which at starts to throttle.