FX-9590 Cannot Achieve 4.8Ghz


Dec 7, 2014
This being branded a 5Ghz CPU, I found myself quite disappointed. Recently I tried to overclock this processor to as little as 4.8, and i have not been able to even boot into windows at that speed. For a motherboard I have the ASROCK 990FX extreme9, and for my cooler, The Corsair H110i GTX. Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated.
The FX-9590 is a beast of a processor however it can be tamed. It is not notoriously unstable just that you need to know correct Bios settings and then performance is great. There is a solution and please don't listen to cut and paste remarks.
You do have the correct AIO cooler so I think your stability issues lay elsewhere. I have 2 systems clocked at 5.2GHz however I use the Crosshair V Formula Z MB and Full Tower case.

Maybe CTurbo can advise you on how to get to 4.8GHz without just criticizing the processor. That would be better advice.

If none is forth coming then list your full system specs and i'll see what can be done.


Pizza Monster
I agree that the 9590 with a H110i and 990FX Extreme9 motherboard SHOULD run at 5ghz just fine, BUT from what I've seen in person, what I've heard from reputable sources, and what I've read online, many 9590s are very hard to keep stable even at stock speeds.


Apr 10, 2012

9590 (Their High CPU) is bad - Will this "BAD" spread to Ryzen 1800X?

The FX-9590 is not a bad CPU and Ryzen is a complete different chip and platform. Much speculation and wont be released till March.


Dec 7, 2014

My full system specs are:
CPU: AMD FX 9590
CPU COOLER: Corsair H110i GTX
GPU: EVGA GTX 970 FTW AC 2.0 (2-way sli)
RAM: G.Skill Ripjaws X - 2133MHz (16gb)
PSU: Rosewill Hercules 1600w
CASE: NZXT Phantom Full Tower

Thanks for all your help!



Apr 10, 2012

Let just see what happen if the bad remains regardless of changes.



Pizza Monster
How did you try to OC? Via software or in BIOS? Always OC in BIOS by raising the multi. Keep the FSB at 200.
What about your BIOS settings? I recommend disabling AMD turbo, Cool 'n Quiet, C1E, and the Core C6 State.
Is your cpu voltage set to auto or manual? Set it to manual and I think 1.5v is a good starting point.
Is your RAM 1.5v, 1.6v, or 1.65v?


Dec 7, 2014

I did overclock in bios, Never altered FSB, disabled anything that altered voltages i.e. LLC, Voltage set to manual.
RAM is 1.6V

You have the goodies to make this work TheRedstoneGuy however don't go to MAX in one hit.

The level of OC with the FX-9590 is dependent on a few things. As it's TDP draw is 220W you must have an efficient, Gold certified PSU of at least 850W. Your PSU is certainly a beefy unit and more Wattage than required. It might come in handy if you later upgrade the system with 3 GPU cards.

Because of this TDP draw at the higher overclocks 4.8-5.2GHz you may be experiencing Vdroop and that in itself will create an unstable OC. There are numerous Bios settings that can help.

First ensure your Bios is up to date then set CMOS to default with the following initial changes.

Use the multiplier to manually fix your frequency first to 4.7GHz which is stock. Why.? refer below
Disable all Cstates C1E etc, as this is just a power saving feature and can spoil a decent OC. Can be turned back on later when system is stable.
Disable "Turbo mode" and "Cool and Quiet"
Set Vcore to 1.300V. If there is instability then raise in .01V steps till stable.
LLC to 8, High not extreme. Not sure what you Bios provides for but default is auto.
CPU Current Capability to 120% if your have it.
Disable APM
Multiplier/Voltage Change to Manual
ASRock UCC set to ensure all cores are unlocked.
Leave the rest on auto and don't make arbitrary changes.
You can set your XMP profile at 2133Mhz or whatever works and is stable.

You should now conduct a stress test to establish a base line for OCing.

Download AIDA64 and CPUid HWMonitor and put them side by side on your desktop.
In AIDA64 go to the Tools menu and select the stress test and check boxes for CPU, FPU and Cache.
Run the test for 10 mins and stop the test if temps get above 75C.
In HWMonitor, I want to see all rail voltages with 100% utilization on all Cores and temperatures in both. You also have the ability to test your other sub systems later if you wish.

Take screen shots at the 10min mark and link the results here for analysis. You can use your favorite file host or use IMIGUR. Upload the screen shots to IMIGUR then go to your images and obtain the BBurl as your link.


Dec 7, 2014

I managed to get it stable at a VID of 1.35 at 4.7Ghz like you said. See below for the results of the 10 minute Aida64 Stability test.


Better screenshot of Hwmonitor
Thanks for the report TheRedstoneGuy.

Your temperatures are excellent at 4.7GHz unfortunately HWMonitor with your MB does not read all Rail voltages and the Package temps can't be correct with an erroneous reading of MAX 161C.

Your PSU and AIO cooler are doing their job OK atm.

HWMonitor does not properly support your motherboard's sensor chip so try HWiNFO64 available from here: https://www.hwinfo.com/download.php. Do not try to run HWMonitor and HWiFO64 at the same time to avoid erroneous readings.
There is a Voltage graph readout in AIDA64 during the test too which should also be analysed to check Core voltages under load.

Lets try for 4.8GHz at the current settings.
So change your multiplier to 24 and increase core voltage to 1.375V.
Stress test again and if unstable then increase core voltage in small steps .010V at a time till stable. Do not exceed 1.4V on the core.
Run the test for 30mins this time using AIDA64 and HWiNFO64. Again stop the test if temps exceed 75C.

If the OC at 4.8GHz is stable then go back into your Bios and save a profile to go back to if things go belly up when trying for 4.9GHz.

The higher OCs are dependent on your MB VRMs and heat generated, as this will create a possible unstable condition.
Awaiting your results.

Results are very good TheRedstoneGuy. Your temperatures are great and Voltages stable at 4.8GHz.

You still have some Overhead on the CPU however your MB may not cope at the higher OCs and quite frankly its hardly worth chasing the extra 100-200MHz with very slight increase in performance.
If unstable at 4.9GHz then accept 4.8GHz as your MAX OC and be happy.

You now have the know-how and Tools to try further if you wish but going over 1.4V on the core is risky.

Also because of the Bios limitations of your MB you have limited voltage corrections.
You may have to consider extra cooling fans directed at the Northbridge VRMs.
Under normal operating conditions and game playing, you will not reach the levels of stress as applied with AIDA64. The best test now for ultimate stability is a realworld tester. Download Realbench and if you pass that test with 3 consecutive passes then consider your system stable 24/7.

Good Luck MM