FX 9590 Minimum PSU Requirement


Dec 13, 2014
First things first, I had this CPU with a 1300 watt PSU for almost a year, but have since switched out the motherboard, so I had used it, but I have upgraded since, so I know what may be needed. Second, I got what I wanted from the processor, and it fit my needs for the time, and I knew the drawbacks at the time of purchase. Third, this has its own liquid cooling loop that can keep it under 60 celsius after several hours of 100% usage (I render stuff). Any replies about my choice of product will be ignored.
Anyway, what would be the minimum PSU power someone would recommend for this CPU? I have an old ~500 watt PSU, but I am unsure if this is enough to power the CPU at full capacity. This will be a basic computer, just having the CPU, motherboard, an SSD, and a low power GPU. This question is not an urgent question, as I already have a computer that I use for everything else.
I am decently experienced with computer hardware, so don't hold back any technical details.
This build won't be for playing games or anything that would need a beast GPU by the way, I might get a low end single slot GPU, and I may just use this for rendering stuff till it burns out in a few years or loses its usefulness. Because of the power use, should I look for 80 Plus Gold or Platinum, or does it not really matter in this circumstance? Just as a little extra bit, the house I live in has a practically fixed electricity bill unless you use a LOT more electricity than neighbors.
The efficiency rating will cut heat the PSU dumps into the case, reduce power draw at the wall, and probably cut PSU fan noise a bit.

My opinion: A quality 450w unit would be adequate for an FX-9590 paired with a very low-end GPU. You may see ~250w from the CPU, whatever your video card draws, and 50-70w from the rest of the system. Ideally you'd have at least 25-33% power to spare.
225W CPU = 75W GPU (high end low power, probably more like a 20-35W GPU if you really go light)
Your water cooling system will probably take 50W or so in fans and pump.
Motherboard, memory, drives.

You are probably looking at around a 400W max load. An 850W would be ticking along just under 50% load, so maybe a 750W to get it above 50%. That way it keeps the fan from spinning up to much. Perhaps a nice Seasonic 620W Gold if you don't want to spend a terrific amount.

Depending on the exact model, a 500W supply would be a little small, since many don't have a 500W 12V rail.

And that is all rule of thumb with 12V only. Still load from the other voltage rails, arguably not much, but it still counts toward the total output.

Assuming OP picks something like a GT730 with a 25w TDP, why would a 220w CPU + 25w GPU need an 850w power supply?

850w makes a lot of sense when pairing an FX-9590 with something like a Radeon 390, but I'd like to see your reasoning and rationale behind using a power supply that's 2.5-3x larger than the total system power consumption.
How does this part look?
I have some EVGA stuff, and the price and rating seems reasonable. Again, I don't need a top of the line computer, just one that can power on and run at full load. By the way, the cooling loop is a closed loop cooler that just plugs in to the CPU fan connector, not some fancy custom steel pipe antifreeze dual pump thing.
I'm with blackbird on this one.

A Corsair CX500 could NOT handle my FX 8350 @ 1.5V core coupled with a GTX 980. It was so bad my fans dropped load at RPM and the PSU whined.

I switched to a HX750i and had no issues whatsoever. I think you should go with something at least in the 750 range. Even if you're using a low powered GPU, what if you decide to upgrade in the future? Are you going to buy another PSU; I think not.

Just spend a little bit more money and buy a quality unit with extra power.