FX6300 Prime95 Problem

Quinn Hargraves

Feb 27, 2015
I just overclocked my FX 6300 to 4.0 GHZ and successfully booted into windows. I then proceeded to run Prime95 to test stability. The only problem is it only utilizes 62% of the CPU and the clock speed doesn't break 2.48 GHZ. Any help and or ideas is appreciated

System Specs:
Gigabyte 78LMT Rev 6.0 Motherboard
FX 6300
Radeon HD 7770 1 GB
8 GB of DDR3 1600
NSpire 500 watt PSU

What features are you talking about? Ones in BIOS or Windows? Ill try Cinebench tommorow Ill let you know if the same problem occurs. Thanks!