FX6300 stability help!


Jun 26, 2011
Okay, so i overclocked my fx6300 and made it stable in Prime 95 blend and small FFT both tests 3 hours respectively.

But it begins to crash in several games like Advanced warfare, far cry 4 and MGS ground zero.
New order runs pretty good still after the oc.

Should i reduce rated FSB or increasing cpu/nb vol from 1.225 to 1.25 for greater stability?

What should i do more?

I am using M5a97 R2.0 mobo with 212evo.
2x4GB HyperX 1600
R9 280x dual-x

Here are some screen shots for technical details:

you're overclocking using the bus - thats a recipe for disaster.
Theres absolutely no need to do that,use the multiplier - its an unlocked chip
your pass in prime but failure in gaming is probably down to the fact that upping the bus automatically overclocks the memory too - unles youve dropped memory speed to compensate?
prime isnt particularly memory intensive,games are.
definetely dont increase the voltage,you're running at 1.44v now & you're close to the limit temp wise as it is.
Actually quite surprised you're even booting with the fsb at that speed
you're overclocking using the bus - thats a recipe for disaster.
Theres absolutely no need to do that,use the multiplier - its an unlocked chip
your pass in prime but failure in gaming is probably down to the fact that upping the bus automatically overclocks the memory too - unles youve dropped memory speed to compensate?
prime isnt particularly memory intensive,games are.
definetely dont increase the voltage,you're running at 1.44v now & you're close to the limit temp wise as it is.
Actually quite surprised you're even booting with the fsb at that speed

Thanks for the fast reply guys.
I used a bulldozer ocing guide to do it.
Can you suggest me some guide so that to oc using multiplier?

Is it harmful for my cpu or board running at current settings? :/
Well first off, always rely on AMD Overdrive for CPU temps. It is most reliable. I have found that hwmonitor is very accurate on my 6350, but I think that is just a fluke. And remember that the thermal margin in AMD overdrive means that is the amount of degrees Celsius until your CPU will start to down clock due to overheating. Pretty much a safety feature to keep you from burning up your CPU so easily.

Now I would guess that you need a bit more voltage, IF it is your CPU that is causing the crashes. Snowctrl could very well be right that it is your GPU causing the crashes. It could also be your PSU. What PSU do you have?
post a grab of cpu-z ,memory tab & the spd tab mate.
Im intrigued to see what your ram is actually running at - kingston hyper x is generally a very bad set to overclock at all.
Your board is doing a very good job of voltage regulation as it stands,never ever mess with the NB voltage though.
If I was after a 4.4ghz overclock,Id simply leave the ram at 1600mhz,leave the fsb at its stock 200mhz & just up the cpu multiplier to 22.



Now i have done it through multiplier and testing..

how to capture the ram speeds/functioning?

Gpu is running at stock. PSU- Corsair VS650.
Corsair VS650 is not ideal for overclocking - see how you go, but it isn't really meant for it, according to Corsair's website. You should try one of their more robust (and pricier) lines - AX or TX series are best.

I'm not saying you must change your PSU RIGHT NOW, but be aware if you continue to have problems maintaining a stable overclock that your PSU may be a factor