FX6300 with a GTX 1060


May 28, 2016
My current PC specs below;

FX-6300 3.5GHz (Standard)
GTX 660 2GB Widnforce
8GB Corsair Vengeance RAM
500GB HDD (random hdd i had)

I was wondering if i eventually saved up enough to buy a gtx 1060/1070 would it work in my pc? I'm aware of the bottleneck issue but how bad would the bottleneck be? Thanks in advance.
With a 1070 It would bottleneck, a lot. With a 1060 If you overclock your 6300 i don't think it would bottleneck it that much, maybe slightly. The only problem you'd have is that in CPU intensive games the 6300 wouldn't be that good so at that point even if you had a 1080 you would get low fps. Overall I think it's not a bad idea to pair the 1060 with a 6300 but make sure you OC it.
With a 1070 It would bottleneck, a lot. With a 1060 If you overclock your 6300 i don't think it would bottleneck it that much, maybe slightly. The only problem you'd have is that in CPU intensive games the 6300 wouldn't be that good so at that point even if you had a 1080 you would get low fps. Overall I think it's not a bad idea to pair the 1060 with a 6300 but make sure you OC it.
It will work, how much of a bottleneck you receive will depend entirely on the game so what games do you play? Do you have any plans to upgrade to a modern intel platform in the future? If so getting a gpu now and upgrading mobo+cpu later would not be a bad idea.
Thanks polishka97, that helped me a lot. And to answer Dunlop, yeah towards the future i plan on getting at least an i5 maybe even an i7 6700k so in the long run it will definitely be worth it. I think i'll stick with the 1060 instead of a 1070 and OC it. Thanks guys :)

EDIT: I mainly play: Battlefield 4 (bf1 when i get the new gpu), GTA 5, Arma 3, GTA San Andreas MP (Heavily modififed), Forza 6 and forza horizon 3 when it's released and a bunch of others game.

GTA V and Arma are CPU intensive you may find that you'll get FPS drops.