fx8320e vs 8350

The 8320e processor is made for efficiency. If your energy bills are high then you may want to go with it. If electricity costs do not matter then certainly buy the 8350.

If this is for a gaming PC then you will not notice the difference between the two.
The 8320e processor is made for efficiency. If your energy bills are high then you may want to go with it. If electricity costs do not matter then certainly buy the 8350.

If this is for a gaming PC then you will not notice the difference between the two.
nope. that fx8320e will probably reach the exact same overclocks the 8350 will... AMD doesn't really bin it's chips with "max overclock" in mind. it bins based on something called "power leak". chips like the 9370 or 9590 are "high leak" chips, meaning they typically need more voltage to achieve a higher clock speed, but they also run cooler then a normal or low leak chip will at those same voltages. high leak and low leak amd cpus tend to hit the highest clocks, it's the normal leak chips that are the poor overclockers. the 8320/8320e tend to be low leak chips. so yes, you'll see some bad overclockers in the 8320/8320e or even the 8300 lineup of cpus, but you'll see just as many good overclockers as you would with a 8350.

take a gander at my sig, that was with an 8320. most 8 core fx cpus, regardless of their number designation couldn't dream of hitting 5.3ghz, I was lucky with that 8320, it's a "very" low leak chip; which was 100% stable with stock vcore and overclocked up to 4.6ghz. That said, that chip was very hard to cool over 1.45V core

I will caution you about one thing. if you're buying an AMD cpu, you pretty much should always OVERCLOCK. If you plan to run these at stock, i suggest you buy an intel i3. It will be much better for you. overclocks of 4.4ghz are necessary to hit 60fps in pretty much every game in 1080p; while overclocks of 4.7ghz are required to make the normal operation of your pc "feel" as snappy as an intel.

so if you don't plan to overclock get an i3.
Ok so heres the thing

8350 vs i5 4590

The stock speed on the 8350 is higher but i need overall better performance. i am willing to take back my SSD and get a regular HDD just to get the job done.

I play a few games, but the new EXP of my fav game uses D11 and it messures the overall systems performance rather than rely solely on the GPU.

I can get the 8350 and a good Mobo for 165.00

I can get the i5 4590 and a ASRock H81M for 200.00

clock speed of an intel =/= amd

lets lay this out there. for a piledriver cored AMD to match the per core performance of a Haswell CPU, you'd need to overclock clock the AMD up +70% over the same clock speed on the intel. so, if the haswell is clocked at 3.2ghz the piledriver cpu would need a clock speed of 5.4ghz to match the intel's single core IPC.

in short, a STOCK i3 or i5 will pretty much destroy a stock AMD cpu, in basically everything. That said "destroy" only applies to benching numbers and max FPS you'll get when gaming. Still FFIV is a single threaded game. so an i3 or i5 will do better then an 8 core fx.

still, i do own an 8 core fx, i've overclocked it significantly, and around 4.7ghz, a speed which all but the very worst overclocking piledriver cpus will hit, i no longer can tell the difference between the 8core fx and my haswell i5 on a 1080p 60hz monitor. On a 144hz monitor i can tell the intel is better, but on a 60hz monitor it's impossible to tell the difference. So if you aren't afraid to learn how to overclock that cpu will do just fine for you.
ok final show down. i have a 970 Pro and the 8350, the combo costs 175 with tax. Or with tax, i can get a 4590 and the H81M mobo. No oc, just gaming and browsing. 280x and 8gb of ram with the unit
Basic board but yes its decent quality.
I don't gave a problem with asrock particularly - in fact they make some of the best FM2/fm2+ amd boards around.
They've just always done piss poor quality boards when it comes to the am3+ chipset for some reason.

Well.... I went to microcenter and got a great deal

With the 970 Pro3 and the 8350 it would have been 180 with tax
Instead, i got the i5 4690K and a gigabyte b85m for 230 with tax....ya so theres that