FX8350 water cooling

The H60 is very iffy to use, it is usable but you'll be getting higher temps under load and I would not recommend overclocking on it. I would really suggest going for something bigger such as the H90 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181036) and if your just looking for a budget build with great cooling for the price look into getting a hyper 212. I've been using it on my 8350 for as long as I can remember and trust me I push it to its limits and it hasn't failed on me yet!
The H60 is very iffy to use, it is usable but you'll be getting higher temps under load and I would not recommend overclocking on it. I would really suggest going for something bigger such as the H90 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181036) and if your just looking for a budget build with great cooling for the price look into getting a hyper 212. I've been using it on my 8350 for as long as I can remember and trust me I push it to its limits and it hasn't failed on me yet!