It is Binary in a sense.
NOTE: I'm using the
IEC version of Data Size Prefixes.
Remember that the base 1 Gibi-Byte (GiB) = 8 Gibi-bit (Gib)
So as you scale up the # of GiB, remember that the actual Gib value is always a power of 2.
What you're listing for brevity is just the simpler value to read/list.
It's easier to list 1 GiB, 2 GiB, 3 GiB DRAM Packages than to list 8 Gib, 16 Gib, 24 Gib.
Especially for Normies to understand.
Moving forward into the future, it'll eventually get to 3-digit ### Gib very fast.
(e.g. 16 GiB = 128 Gib)
It's just easier to stick with GiB since we're well into the Gibi-Byte era for DRAM Packages.
And it's easier to increment by 1 with 1 GiB, 2 GiB, 3 GiB, 4 GiB, etc.