G.SKILL Trident Z 3200MHz CL14 overclocking?

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Oct 13, 2016
Hello guys, i was wondering if anyone out there with a kit similar to mine, tried any overclocking options or tweaking tightnings.

Ram kit: G.Skill Trident Z 3200Mhz Cl14 ( 14-14-14-34 ) 1.350V 16GB

I would try push it up to arround 3400-3733mhz.

I was thinking about increasing voltage to 1.380-1.400 and try some higher frequensy (timings to get an higher frequenzy).

So if anyone out there have tried this type of KIT, and got any advice or a start point which i could attempt on going for. Cheers.

Probably going to try 1.40V with same timings and 3400mhz first.

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According to research I've done 1.4v is fine for 24/7 usage. But do not go beyond 1.4v.

3600 seems reasonable. As said above, you might have to loosen timings to do so.

May I ask why you are overclocking your memory?

I've had my fair share of memory overclocking and it takes a ridiculous amount of time to increase performance noticeably.
G.Skill bin their modules carefully so it will probably be a frustrating exercise to get 3600MHz from a 3200MHz kit even with looser timings and 1.4V.

I have a 16GB (2x8) kit F4-3200C14D-16GTZR and using Thyphoon and Ryzen Dram Calculator, I could obtain stability using SAFE but FAST was unstable without going to CL15.

Good Luck if you can even get 3400MHz.

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I'm not sure, why, i just like to see how good my hardware is and their limits. I did 3733mhz 1.4Volts andd 16-16-16-36 timings stable 2runs in memtest86 today. So i would say its allright imo.

I did 3733mhz 1.4Volts andd 16-16-16-36 timings stable 2runs in memtest86 today. So i would say its allright imo.

I did 3733mhz 1.4Volts andd 16-16-16-36 timings stable 2runs in memtest86 today. So i would say its allright imo 😀

Yeah will do that, my 8700k oc aswell with this kit im arround 1570-1580points consistant. Did 6runs, 30min in prime 95 atm still going strong


Just remember memtest86 will only give you a general estimate when it comes to stability. If you REALLY want to get stable memory, run prime95 with memory optimized settings.

I can give you those settings if you need them.

Yeah sure share 😀!


Yes i did :)!
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