G-Skill Trident Z - Send it back?


Jul 24, 2018
Hello Forum,

I'm buying this week my new computer. I've just received my G-Skill Trident Z 16 GB (2x8GB) some days ago.
Yesterday I was just surfing Google for curiosity to see if I can sync it with Aura or Corsair Link (since I could, but must not, have both of them) and then I just found tons of topics about this memory related to a problem with SPD corruption (if I google "Trident Z SPD" tons of forum links arise).

I would like to ask if anybody knows how is the status of this issue nowadays. Should I send it back? One thing more: I can make a trade-off: as I really really like the rainbow standard colors of the Trident Z, I would be ready to let it this way. So, if the problem would only be "awaken" if one uses the Aura/CL to control the leds of the Trident Z, then I could live with it? Further, as I'm buying tons of Corsair RGBs, I would also be okay to only use Corsair Link and also let Aura out of it. But softwares like CPU-Z and HWiNFO64 I'm not ready to relinquish.

So, keep it or send it back?

My rig's config is like this: https://de.pcpartpicker.com/user/LeoBR1989/saved/qsFdXL

Thanks for the assistance!



Do you have a link to the Trident Z's you currently have at hand? For your platform, you should be good to go provided you stick to either Aura Sync or G.Skill's app. I'd stay away from Corsair's app unless you're dealing with Corsair's RGB memory.


Jul 24, 2018
Hi Lutfij,

thanks for your answer.
What exactly you mean by "link" to my Trident Z? Do you want to know the model ? It's this: F4-3200C16D-16GTZR

I have in my platform five RGB Fans from Corsair, a case from Corsair, a HX750i and a H100i PRo. So, I REALLY would like to use Corsair Link. I've even bought a Commander Pro. So, not using Corsair Link is out of question.
Or are you saying specific in order to control the RGB of the RAM sticks?
If I just leave it be (in the rainbow standard mode), will I be alright?