GA-B250-FinTech CPU, DRAM, and VGA RED LED. Boot No Display.

Aug 12, 2018
I recently changed my mobo to the GA-B250-FinTech. Everything worked before. It will start up and I will see the CPU LED light turn on then go to the DRAM light sit there for a few seconds (15-20) Jumps to the VGA LED and shuts off. It then tries to reboot and we get the whole thing again. Sometimes it will just go back and forth between the CPU and DRAM led and never shut off. But I still get no display output on the mobo or card.

Mobo: GA-B250-FinTech
CPU: Intel Celeron 7th gen
Graphics Card: 1070ti
Ram: DDR4 HyperX 4gb
PSU: 1600w
What do you mean by "before"? Is this a new board? Did it work with the new board previously? Did you buy this board used or new?

What is the EXACT model of the CPU?

What is the EXACT model number of the power supply? And yes, this MIGHT matter.

Have you tried REMOVING the graphics card and using the integrated graphics from the CPU through the motherboard video outputs? Sometimes a borked card will not allow the iGPU to function as long as the card is still installed. Try without it installed in the motherboard just to see if this is a card problem.

If you have access to another card or can borrow one, try another graphics card as well.

Click below for more detailed instructions.

For basic troubleshooting on systems that stick or won't POST, but were working fine previously, or after adding new hardware, I recommend doing the following.

First, check everything as indicated here:

If that turns up nothing then move on to the following and in cases where it may be redundant based on the steps at the previous link, I'd just check again anyhow. It's easy to miss something the first time around.

Power off the unit, switch the PSU off and unplug the PSU cord from either the wall or the power supply.

Remove the motherboard CMOS battery for five minutes. During that five minutes, press the power button for 30 seconds. After the five minutes is up, reinstall the CMOS battery making sure to insert it with the correct side up just as it came out.

Now, plug the power supply cable back in, switch the PSU back on and power up the system. It should display the POST screen and the options to enter CMOS/BIOS setup. Enter the bios setup program and reconfigure the boot settings for either the Windows boot manager or for legacy systems, the drive your OS is installed on if necessary.

Save settings and exit. If the system will POST and boot then you can move forward from there including going back into the bios and configuring any other custom settings you may need to configure such as Memory XMP profile settings, custom fan profile settings or other specific settings you may have previously had configured that were wiped out by resetting the CMOS.

If the system will not POST after resetting the CMOS, then there is a hardware problem of some kind.

At that point I would again power off, remove all memory except one module, installed in the A2 slot for most modern motherboards, or whatever slot your motherboard user manual specifies for single module population according to it's stated population rules. This matters. Boards MAY run with memory in various slots, but there ARE specific memory slots that are intended to be used with one, two, three, four or more modules installed and the manual will outline which of them should be used based on how many modules you are using.

If you have integrated graphics either on the motherboard itself, or through the motherboard using the CPU integrated graphics, then I'd connect your monitor cable to one of the motherboard video outputs and completely remove the graphics card from the system.

Now remove the CMOS battery again for another five minutes, then put it back again and once again try to POST. If you still get no love, try again using a different memory module.

If you do NOT have integrated graphics to use while troubleshooting, then you can either move along to other steps or try a different graphics card if you have one, or can borrow one.

If you still fail to get the system to POST then I'd recommend you pull the CPU cooler and remove the CPU to check for bent pins or an improperly installed CPU. For AMD systems the pins are usually on the CPU. For Intel platforms the pins are on the motherboard. You may need magnification of some kind to see whether any of the pins look bent, out of place or just "wrong" compared to the pattern of the rest of the pins. A cheap magnifying glass or high powered reading glasses should suffice if you have old eyes like me.

If the CPU and motherboard both look fine, then clean all the thermal paste off the top of the CPU and bottom of the CPU cooler heatsink using isopropyl alcohol and a lint free microfiber cleaning cloth, coffee filter or other lint free cloth. Apply fresh TIM (Thermal interface material aka thermal paste) according to your preferred method or the CPU cooler instructions and reinstall the CPU and CPU cooler.

Now it would be advisable to unplug all connected drives, reset the CMOS, again, and try again to POST or enter the BIOS. If you still cannot get the sytem to POST then you probably need to remove everything from the case and bench test the system according to the steps found here:

If your system is failing to display signs of power or other random power related issues, it would be advisable to purchase or borrow a DVOM (Digital volt ohm meter) or analog multimeter and do some basic power testing of the PSU to determine if there is a power delivery issue as follows:

If you still haven't found any indication of what the problem is, a few last resort measures would be to make sure the PSU is plugged directly into the wall and is NOT using any kind of UPS, power strip or extension cord.

Verify that the CPU cooler IS connected to the CPU_FAN header, as some systems will not even power up if there is no RPM signal from the CPU fan.

Anything beyond these basics is going to require some further conversation and possibly the replacement of your motherboard or CPU, as if everything listed above has checked out, there isn't much left it could be aside from one of those two things.
Yes. I recently changed the board. The PSU is an EVGA 1600w titanium. I don't remember the exact CPU model but I do know that is it on the list provided by the official gigabyte page for the board. Yes, I have tried running the bare minimums for the system but I still, have the same problem. Even the VGA Crash. I have tried multiple cards. Same result as well.
The only reason I asked about the CPU model was to verify whether or not it has integrated graphics. If it DOES, then I'd try REMOVING the graphics card entirely, and connecting your monitor to the outputs on the motherboard.

And in fact, I'd make sure that you are connected to the RIGHT output, on the card, and not the one on the motherboard, before you do that. If there is still no POST and display with the graphics card removed and the monitor connected to the motherboard output using the CPU integrated graphics, then I'd remove the CPU cooler and CPU and make sure there are no bent pins on the motherboard socket.

Also, double check the mounting of the CPU cooler. Sometimes if one side or corner is tighter than the others it can cock the CPU and cause it to short out or act abnormally, much like having bent pins.

Make absolutely sure the memory is all fully seated AND is installed in the A2 and B2 slots. The instructions in the spoiler box I posted above give you all the practical advice you are likely to find in terms of determining where the problem is up to and including bench testing the motherboard.
That has integrated graphics. Try connecting the monitor to the motherboard video output and removing the graphics card from the system entirely.

If you have already done that and have tried all sticks of memory with the same result, and have removed the CPU to make sure there are no bent pins on the motherboard socket, and everything is 100% connected including the CPU EPS power connector to the motherboard, then I'd say you likely might have a faulty motherboard.

If you built this recently and it has never run, I'd suspect that you might have bent some CPU pins on the motherboard.