
Dec 2, 2006
I just got a Gigabyte P35-DS4 as a gift and I was wondering if i should exchange it and pay 50 Euros more to get the DQ6

Is the 8-phase stuff any important ? Does it overclock much better ? I don't care about a 5% O/C but if it managed to surpass the DS4 by a margin of say, 30% this would be worth it but I seriously doubt it...

I also plan on bying the OCZ Reaper 1150 2GB kit, do any of you guys know if it's compatible ?



Jul 27, 2007
Actually, the dq6 has a 12 phase power system, but no matter what, you're not going to see a 30% oc ing difference, and from what I see repeatedly, you'll be lucky to see 5% differences of like-chipsetted boards. That ds4 board is a recent addition to their lineup I think, and looks to be no different by a quick perusal except for the its 5 or 6 phase power (which is still advanced). Has the same high end audio and other specs.

Can't say about the memory, except you take your chances with non certified choices. If things don't work out, it's the first question mark. That may not be worth it. On the other hand, the mem on those lists is hard to find generally, or discontinued short runs, seems to me...