GA-P55A-UD7 No Post, No Beep, Tried everything!


Apr 29, 2012
Hey folks,

So for the past several weeks my system refuses to post nor give me a beep code. It had been working flawlessly for over 2 years until one day it restarted and never booted again. My build is:

Intel i7-860
16gb 1333mhz team-elite ram
Corsair AX750

I've done every troubleshooting I could think of, here are the stuff I've already done:

  • ■ Take out the motherboard from the case and reseat everything
    ■ check cables
    ■ Test PSU, used 2 other PSUs with same result
    ■ Change CPU to a brand new i7-860, same result
    ■ Use different Rams
    ■ Boot with no ram, boot with 1 ram, boot with 2 rams, boot with no cpu, boot with cpu without fan, boot with cpu and fans etc.
    ■ Check for bent pins (none)■ Clean the whole motherboard, check for short circuits (none)
All of the above has been unsuccessful.
I have resetted the cmos several times during the troubleshooting ofcourse, no luck! The funny thing is when it first happened, the motherboard would at least boot and make a short beep then restart, but recently it just turns on for a second and restarts without any beep. The debug led shows 88 meaning it doesn't even have the ability to show boot up process.

I Contacted gigabyte support but sadly they offered RMA only if I agree to pay both way shipping. This is gonna cost me around 100 euros which is actually pretty high. and a problem is when I bought the motherboard I didnt screw the graphic card properly and it broke a PCI slot so they can easily categorize the motherboard as "physical damage" and refuse an rma. I'm trying my best to find out some way to fix it without paying that 100 euros but so far it's been very hopeless.

I'm desperate for any advice you might have, please help..

Hi, I have already checked this, The board is on a wooden box, cpu and fan attached.
The power led on motherboard is on and once i turn on the system, the cpu fan spins, after 2-3 seconds system restarts and again the same. infinite restart loop until power is off from psu.
As you can read in my title, there is no beep. the speaker is connected.
Since you've tried different CPU and power supply and still the same, then all that remains is the motherboard.
You said there are no bent pins, so...
It's up to you to decide if it's worth paying 100 Euro for fixing the board.
A last idea: could it be a faulty CPU cooler?
Can you borrow a stock one and test?

Well i have 3 cpu coolers, 2 stock intel and a cooler master hyper 212 slim. Don't think it's possible for 3 of them to be faulty 🙁
I guess i have no choice other than posting the motherboard and hoping for best.
I think you have pretty much run the gamut of testing. From what you have described, it sounds to me like something just gave up on the m/b. I know Gigabyte has offered an RMA, but given the postage costs and the possibility that they will be less than helpful, a new m/b sounds like the best option for you.


Yes that's very reasonable and I thought of the same thing.. but the problem is here in Hungary not a single shop sells motherboards with LGA1156 anymore. Mainly thanks to intel.