GA-Z77X-UD3H M_Bios LED and Beeping


May 7, 2013
After running my PC for maybe an hour or so, it starts beeping with no end. Internally, the M_Bios LED is glowing and I have an 04 on my debug readout. I've looked through the manual and online: no 04 code. The beeping sounds like a dying smoke detector and it's worrying me. Thanks in advanced!
So here's how it went. I did what you said, and stripped the system. Nothing but the CPU and the fan and I hooked up the monitor to my onboard graphics. Then I plugged the RAM back in, no problem, and not the CMOS battery. Then I plugged in one hard drive at a time, no problems there. Then I did a quick internet image search and found that the M_Bios LED was supposed to be on anyway. So I plugged in my disk drives. Fine. USB headers. Fine. Graphics card one. Fine. Graphics card two. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Dammit. So I checked the card in another computer, and sure enough. Lots of beeping.

I initially figure is had to do completely with the motherboard because the M_Bios LED hid between my two graphics cards. I only noticed it when the beeping started. Thanks you for the reminder to strip.

Now just to find the warranty card!