Game compatible with GTX 650


Mar 16, 2013
I have an old PC having a core i3 2120, 8 gigs of RAM and GTX 650. It's mainly used for productivity purposes. I would like to know whether I can play any games(if possible) with this setup? What would be the ideal games?
Yeah basically any valve made game, league of legends, dota 2, overwatch. I wouldn't give much hope for new games out there. Maybe bf3 but not sure if can handle battlefield4

you must be living in a jungle if not knowing what cs go is
I never really played much games. Most was Tony Hawk on Xbox 12+ yrs ago when I broke my leg.
The last 2 years now I just play online web games, and about 15,000 games with World of Tanks.
But its getting boring now, so I want to experience other games and I realize my current system is in the stone age.

Hop on Steam and look around. You'll find something up your ally.

  • ■ Promoting YouTube channel
    ■ Promoting games on Low 720p

He has the same GPU that I have so he can check out what can be played at 1080,720,high/med/low and whatever,at least the videos are proof and not just guesstimates.

A potato can run cs go. I'm talking about more recent games.

obviously it can not do anything with recent games. and the user doesnt request that

I know but he didn't request cs go either. He's looking for suggestions. What I'm saying is most modern games are out of the question and he should probably avoid them until he upgrades.
I dont know much, but I did find Steam. Will take a bit to get used to. Yes I am venturing out of my cave, there is a whole new world opening up..... like the world of oc'ing non K cpu's with certain mobo's. I can catch onto the lingo if I know what it means. Over time I can catch on and sound techy, maybe not like Linus how he can roll acronyms off his tongue like a King! A King with earrings, not just one on his left ear, no.... super cool cats have 4, 2 on each. I will be a cool cat soon I hope.

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