Question Game crash issues, particularly in unity games.

Oct 20, 2023
I've been having random crashes in games such as Deep Rock Galactic: survivor and Soulstone survivors, and most recently in Withering rooms. All three are unity run games, but I have also experienced crashes in other games with other engines such as Deep rock galactic on UE4 and Elden ring on fromsoft's own engine. It was hard to get a screenshot of the crash error as it usually only appeared for a second or less but in withering rooms the crash seems to be in a specific part of the game so I managed to screenshot it, and this is the error I got. Wasn't always I got the error though, sometimes it would just freeze and the sound would stutter for a few seconds before the game crashed. View:

My PC specs are these: RTX 4090 GPU, i9 13900KF CPU and a ROG STRIX Z790-H motherboard and 96 GB DDR5 RAM and from looking at open hardware monitor or just the task manager it doesn't seem to be an issue of memory load or high CPU usage as those never went higher than 50% at the very most and most of the load is probably coming from my browser with all it's tabs open, something I did also try shutting down but I still got the crash there. Open hardware monitor does show rather strange temperatures for the motherboard but I think that's just faulty recordings as it has one of the temperature listings go from 16 degrees to 122 max value, and another of the listings is permanently at 118 degrees, and these are not in any game and the case also doesn't feel hot at all like it would be if those were real.

The only crash I can consistently replicate is in Withering rooms as for some reason the crash there happens in a specific area of the game and usually within a minute of me entering it, so I initally thought it was an issue in that game but I haven't found anyone else with the same issue and the way the crash happens is similar to the other games. It also seems to have gotten worse lately, I could normally play soulstone survivors and only rarely crash some weeks ago but today I had it happen 2 times within 10 min of starting the game.

I saw someone had a similar issue and I tried one of the suggestions in their thread, mainly this comment with doing scans with CMD, and this did find a few corruptions that it said it fixed, but didn't seem to do anything for the crashes.

Any help is appreciated, I usually try to google my way to most fixes but this I couldn't seem to find anything similar and so here I am, hopefully I posted this in the correct place.

Edit: now I think about it Genshin Impact is also a unity engine game and I have never experienced that game crashing, so might not just be a unity thing.
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