Game Crashing To Black Screen.


Jan 23, 2016
My PC specs are:
CPU: i7-5930k
Cooler: H100iGT
Mobo: MSI A x99
Ram: 16gb Corsair 2x8
PSU: Corsair AX1200i
GPU: HD7990
Harddrives: Samsung 500gb
WD 1tb
OS: Windows 10 64bit

While loading/ starting certain games, they freeze at a black screen followed shortly by a crash. The crash doesn't give any detail or a specific error message. Sometimes I'd get the window saying "failed to initialize." While other games seem to work seamlessly.

The error happened out of no where about 2 months ago, I formatted all my harddrives and re-installed Windows, and the error subsided temporally. The issue arose again about a month ago and I wasn't able to fix it by re-installing. I've gone through that twice now to no avail.

All my software is up-to-date and I can't think of any other solution.

The games I know specifically that crash are:
League of Legends
Rocket League
Payday 2
GTA online (singleplayer works fine.)

The games that I know work fine are:
Witcher 3
Garry's Mod
Black Ops 3

If anyone know a solution, temporary or permanent, please let me know. I wanna play my League man!

1. Just in case your GPU is overclocked, reset it at stock speed.

if not downscale ur gpu in multiples of 10-20 till its stable, usually it should work within multiples of 4 or 5

Be sure that its the cpu or the mobo underperforming, not your gpu
I thought about that as well, I forgot to mention I switched out all the pc components about a month ago. I rightfully believe it isn't hardware related, as it happened over 2 different builds.