Game installation on Windows 8.1 with ssd and hdd


Feb 22, 2014

I recently built a new computer. Runs like a dream but some of the games want to install in the x86 program files directory on the SSD. Does it matter whether I install games on the x86 directory prog files, regular prog files via the SSD or the prog files on my 1 TB HDD.

In short I have 3 PF folders, 2x on the SSD 1 is x86 and 1 on my 1TB HDD.

I thought the x86 was 34 bit but that's the default installation for Diablo 3 for example. Please let me know if it really matters whether installed on the x86 PF, or regular PF, or the PF I created on my 1 TB HDD. I just don't want to install all the games into the x86 folder.

Don't want to have any compatibility issues if some games can only be installed on 34 bit.



Thanks for the correction, I was just confused about it defaulting to the x86 folder. I didn't know if there would be any compatibility issues by installing a game on the 32 as opposed to the 64.


