Question Game runs slower on laptop screen than external monitor


Dec 23, 2014
I'm only using my laptop's screen to game on right now, and I'm getting lower fps than when I'm using my external monitor. In CSGO, I'm only getting ~90 FPS, when on my monitor I'd get ~280 FPS. Both screens are 1080p@144 hz, but the external monitor has gsync, though I don't think that would affect the actual FPS or performance.

I don't see why the game's not running at a higher speed as if my external monitor was plugged in, it should do no difference. Can anyone help?
I've just tested it on different games and I'm receiving lower framerates on them as well.

EDIT: I also think that this may have to do with Optimus, and the fact that nothing's directly plugged into the dedicated GPU?
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