Game 'Self Regulator' NCGP Responds To Criticism

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It seems like there is an overwhelming effort in the organization’s communications to pre-dissociate itself from its own dealings.

It seems that on that note, it's best to not put any confidence in anything it does as it will contradict itself the next and claim both the contradiction and the original statements are both true.

TJ Hooker


Because the group is billing itself as being as being apolitical. If the director of the group is a member of (or directly affiliated with) a major political party, that might raise some concerns about whether the group really is politically independent. Although, as said above, the main issue was that the chapter he claimed to be a member of doesn't seem be real...


Jun 4, 2012
The significance of the Republican Party link is also shown here:

He's doing it for political brownie points. That article also points out that 527 organizations are for political non-profits. Evidence is this clown is selling a line of BS; it's not a consumer group in any way, shape, or form.
I've found that many "apolitical" groups are not apolitical.

Just because one is associated with a political group does not mean they cannot or will not act apolitically. Then again, there is also no guarantee that they won't act politically either. In this case the guy might have Republican leanings. If he had Democratic or other political affiliations, the same issue could easily apply.

While it doesn't matter to me whether the guy is Democrat, Republican, Socialist, Constitutionalist, Libertarian, or what-not, If they say they're apolitical in nature... their actions better back it up... however with their voice of non-committed/conflicting this or that, it makes one wonder how apolitical they will actually be.
As I said before this group does not need to exist at all. This is something for the ESRB and it's international counterparts to weigh in on and regulate through their existing rating systems. Distinct pay-to-win and real-money-gamble-to-win mechanics should require a mature rating. No this doesn't stop all instances, or really discourage minors from purchasing such games, but it would discourage large studios, studios owned by family friendly corporations like Disney, to allow or encourage such mechanics in the first place. Disney doesn't like casino's and it would be very upset if it's game studios or IP were branded with a M rating for Gambling content.

Originally I suggested a technical association akin to IEEE for self policing. but the more I think about it the ESRB already has the power and jurisdiction. I don't side with all their policy decisions and rating decisions but here I think they can do a lot of good.
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