I recently bought HD 6950 2gb sapphire version since my gtx 560 fried. But when I play skyrim in ultra settings, I can see the frame rate dropping then went up again. It usually happens when I do 360 spin and running around. Also gta v in high settings (https://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DcBDnJfpl7Fo&ved=0ahUKEwjY7ZKot_zLAhVhGaYKHYlQAD4QtwIIGTAA&usg=AFQjCNG-H8Gv50XXzprwfKwIAkIb5haSug). In minecraft around 35 fps when I'm outside village and 25 - 20 when inside the village with default settings. I wonder if it's my power supply that causing this since I have a cheap psu aywun a1-5000 or my cup which is core 2 quad q8200.
Here's my rig specs
Asus p5KR mobo
8gb ram
Sapphire HD radeon 6950 2gb with dual fan
Intel core 2 quad q8200
aywun a1-5000 psu
Here's my rig specs
Asus p5KR mobo
8gb ram
Sapphire HD radeon 6950 2gb with dual fan
Intel core 2 quad q8200
aywun a1-5000 psu