Games are getting laggy while playing in high or ultra graphics

Joe Jose

Jul 13, 2015
My rig -
AMD FX-8350 processor
Gigabyte 97ADS3 Motherboard
Cooler Master K281 Cabinet
Cooler Master 500 watts PSU
Internal Hardrive-1TB
Amd HD7770 1GB Graphics Card
Gskill 8GB 1333Mhz cl9 RAM
when i play watchdogs and some other games..its getting laggy when played in high or ultra graphics.
can anyone please help me to solve this problem.
Your motherboard does not officially support your 8350 and the voltage regulator modules(vrm) on this motherboard are not equipped with heat sinks, that can lead to lagging while the CPU is downclocking if the VRMs are getting too hot. This CPU needs at least 8 cooled vrms to run stable.

Also your gpu is too weak to play at ultra or even high.
Yeah, its a combination of CPU throttle, and a outdated GPU. Just like Helpstar said, the VRM's are overheating. Look into a GTX 960 or AMD equivalent, and for the motherboard, I was having the same issue a couple days ago until I upgraded to this. This is a very good mobo at a good price.

GTX 960 GPU:
MSI 970 Mobo: