Games are not working properly low fps :|

Prashant Panwar

May 1, 2014
System Specs :
Ram - 4 gb DDR3 Ram
PSU -Cooler Master SMPS 500watt
Motherboad - MSI 970A-G46
Processor - AMD Phenom x6 1090t
GFX - Nvidia Geforce GTX 465 1gb GDDR5

But still games are hanging :|
I dont know what to do can anybody help me?
Its passable. The 465 is getting on, but my 570 was still nearly maxing everything out when I retired it a few months ago. Its still capable, just at "high" settings instead of "Ultra". The 4GB RAM is a bit low these days; 8GB is preferred. CPU wise, Phenom II is likely holding you back the most at this point. Its OK, but figure medium settings on newer games.
Its passable. The 465 is getting on, but my 570 was still nearly maxing everything out when I retired it a few months ago. Its still capable, just at "high" settings instead of "Ultra". The 4GB RAM is a bit low these days; 8GB is preferred. CPU wise, Phenom II is likely holding you back the most at this point. Its OK, but figure medium settings on newer games.