The card is rendering that many frames per second, but since your
monitor only has a 60Hz vertical refresh rate, you will never see more than ~60 frames per second. The rest are skipped.
The card is rendering that many frames per second, but since your
monitor only has a 60Hz vertical refresh rate, you will never see more than ~60 frames per second. The rest are skipped.
Since he sees 120 in the overlay they do not get skipped,they just get displayed as fast as possible even if this means displaying the current frame before the previous has finished being displayed (tearing)
Since he sees 120 in the overlay they do not get skipped,they just get displayed as fast as possible even if this means displaying the current frame before the previous has finished being displayed (tearing)
That is what I mean by getting skipped. The card renders 120 fps, but the monitor only would show approximately every other frame because the monitor only refreshes (shows a new frame) every 1/60 second.