Games black screen in game


Oct 25, 2009
Hey all,

I have a Gateway FX Laptop with Nvdia 8800m, 64 bit. I'm sure you need more info (i've actually never used this forum before so I apologize) I noticed a lot of other users with the same problems, but they all seemed to have different solutions.

So the problem: After a few moments in all my games as far as I can tell (COD4, FarCry2) the game screen blackens. Sometimes, it just is REALLY dark, where I can still kinda see it in the right light. I know the game is running however, because if I ctr-alt-del and click, it brings it to out of game where everything works again. I can hear the sound and everything, the game continues playing as normal. I haven't made any hardware or software changes recently, save for starting to reinstall Left 4 Dead.

I've tried: completely unistalling all drivers are reinstalling. I even used driver sweeper to make sure it was completely removed before I reinstalled. The problemos persist.

Oooo and I noticed the typical response is overheating, I don't think that is the case. My compy does run ridiculously hot, but its blacks before the temps get high.

I'm not sure what else you guys need before countinuing.


does this occur every time you stress your video card?
if your running benchmark apps like Furmark, or 3DMark, does the same thing occur?
are you running Folding@Home, the GPU client?


Oct 25, 2009
Im downloading 3d mark right now to give it a try, it should be done downloading when i get back from school. Btw, I did test the temps when running COD4, and it was blacking out when everything was in the 40-50 c range.