Games crashing after 10 minutes


Dec 10, 2014
Here are my specs:

OS: Windows 8.1
Motherboard: Asrock H97 Pro4
CPU: Intel i5 4460
GPU: Radeon R9 290
PSU: Thermaltake SmartM 850
RAM: 8gb Corsair Vengeance

Not all of my games crash, but a lot of them do. After 10 or so minutes, the screen will go black and then take me to the desktop. At the point, my mouse completely disappears and becomes inoperable on the desktop, and I can still hear the game and see that it is running on the taskbar. At first I thought that the games might've just been too taxing for my computer, but I doubt that's the case now since I can run Thief and Arma 3 perfectly fine, but Deus Ex and Total War (and a bunch of other games) just crash after 10 minutes. I'd assume that an 850w power supply should be enough to run this machine, and my computer gets nowhere near hot enough to justify these crashes, so I'm pretty lost right now. I have no clue if maybe it's my graphics card or OS or something. I've read online that Windows 8.1 was causing some problems with games crashing, but I couldn't seem to find any solutions to it. Any help?
8 still isn't the best thing to game on, but is getting better. I would try running a hard disk check and see if there are bad sectors or something.. Have you tried checking the temps of your CPU/GPU while gaming? Turning off unneeded start up processes in Task Manager? Updated video card drivers?

My CPU usually sits around 40C and my GPU is around 60C. I've also tried updating my video card drivers already. But I'll try running a hard disk check and see what happens.

I tried scanning my disks for errors. No errors were found.