Question games crashing


Jun 4, 2019
i recently build a new pc,and after a month or 2 when i play game it crash and exit,i went to device manager and i notice that i have a problem with sata ahci standard i wonder is this conected to this or its something diffrent,in 1 game its said that files is corupted and game closes. i try to change ahci to ide or raid in bios,but its even worse pc goes to blue screen and just restart after like 15 seconds. i also try updating some drivers for this but no luck. if any1 coud help id be greatful,sry if im in the wrong section. TY
What are your PC's full specs?

If memory serves right one of the cases where code 10 happens is when drivers are installed for the controller but they are the wrong driver.

It might mean faulty hardware (controller) which is less likely.

Get the latest chipset and SATA drivers for you motherboard from the manufacturer's website.
As I said it might be a driver issue. That board as you can see here has two revisions, 1.0 and 1.1. Maybe you downloaded and installed the wrong version of drivers for SATA controller as they two revisions might have slightly different drivers. Only download and install drivers from Gigabyte website and not "some driver" from other sources.

Check your motherboard as the revision is usually silkscreened/printed on the board beneath the model number or on one of the sides. Then download the drivers for chipset and SATA controller from the right web page from the Support tab of the right revision. If this does not fix it you might need to do a clean installation of Windows and proper drivers from scratch.

Also if this here is your PSU I don't think it's a good quality one. If it is 3-4 years old it might be starting to go bad and when PSUs don't work properly they can damage other components (if that error is not caused by drivers and is a hardware issue).

You can download HD Sentinel form here and see if you can actually check the SMART health status of the drive in question. The BIOS setting for storage devices is AHCI and not IDE and definitely not RAID unless you're running a RAID.