Question Games feel choppy ?

May 6, 2022
high fps but game still feels choppy/laggy
i have a 3070ti and a i9 1100 32 g ram
240 hz monitor
for some reason everytime im playing apex with or without vsync it always feels choppy
when i change it from 240 to anything lower it gets even worse i try to match the fps with it but it doesnt change the choppy feeling
i would have thought that with my system specs i should have no problem running apex ?
please help


Feb 29, 2016
Can you try some basic optimization first, i like this one because it's straight to the point and basicly what i do aswell.


Just follow every step he takes in the Nvidia control panel and you will see, very important.

Also make sure that you have Multicore Rendering enabled in ANY game that you play. Otherwise you use only 1 core.

And of course get the latest NVIDIA driver from their website.
Make sure your motherboard bios and drivers is up to date. I've heard rumors that having the wrong Audio driver can even cause laggs. Caution updating the motherboard can be dangerous, make sure that you do NOT touch the computer once you started the update, wait untill it's done. Otherwise you risk bricking the board. Do your research.

Are you using the steam browser while ingame? That can take a serious hit on performance in my experience.
A real bad power supply can cause an unstable gaming experience aswell, you didnt list it.

And if you run an 11900 on a real budget H510 or B560 board with subpar VRM's that can also cause issues. The whole 11th gen board lineup was a disaster in terms of VRM's not being able to handle even so much as an i5 11400, hardware unboxed did a great video on this. The 11900 runs very hot so you need adequate cooling aswell, did you monitor the temps, is it throttling? Which cooler do you use.
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Mar 31, 2014
If all the above doesn't help, try going into your Windows power settings and make sure it is set to High Performance. Any other plan can limit, or frequently change, the power drawn by your hardware and if it's the latter, it can actually cause performance spikes, or hitching, even when the fps appears consistent/stable.