Games Lag on Powerful PC


Dec 8, 2014
That's my PC:
OS: MS Windows 8.1 64bit
CPU: AMD Athlon x4 750k
GPU: GIGABYTE nVidia Geforce GTX 750 OC 2Gb, 128bit
RAM: 4Gb
HDD: WD Blue 1Tb,7200rpm, 64Mb

The problem is that Prototype and Need for Speed: Undercover don't run smooth when I set the graphics on MAX
I think that my PC is powerful enough to run these games smoothly even they are maxed.
I must say that Need for Speed Most Wanted (2012)
doesn't lag at all.
I don't think windows 8 is to blame. You can use monitoring software (like MSI afterburner and HWinfo64) to try and find out what's causing the lag

If your CPU usage is high (above 75%) when it lags, it could be the CPU
If your ram usage is high (above 3.7gb) when it lags, you need more ram
If your CPU usage is high (99%) or Vram is high (2048mb) then it's your GPU
Yeah but I as I mentioned Need for Speed Most Wanted (2012) ( I mean when it's at max settings) doesn't lag at all, so then why I've troubles with older games? Could it be because of the OS? It's new but the games're old.
I don't think windows 8 is to blame. You can use monitoring software (like MSI afterburner and HWinfo64) to try and find out what's causing the lag

If your CPU usage is high (above 75%) when it lags, it could be the CPU
If your ram usage is high (above 3.7gb) when it lags, you need more ram
If your CPU usage is high (99%) or Vram is high (2048mb) then it's your GPU