Games look washed-out in fullscreen

Aug 5, 2018
Hello everyone, i hope someone is able to help me out, all my games look washed-out in fullscreen, screen resolution is the same, refresh rate also, but colour changes for some reason when i play in fullscreen, as if system takes over to control the colour of the game while graphics card controls it when it's in windowed mode which is strange. My graphics card is nvidia gtx 1080, Windows 10, and the monitor is Acer predator XB241YU

Hope someone can help me out, i have no idea what to try anymore, I'll attach few pics to show examples.









Nvidia GPUs are weird when handling color sometimes. It's lists black as 16 instead of 0. And other colours wrong sometimes.
Because your having this issue I'm going to assume you using a HDMI port.
Go to Nvidia control panel (not experience), click on change resolution, the at the bottom you should see "output dynamic range". , Set that to FULL.
That will use the Full Range RGB 0-255, instead of the default 16-235
Hmm, never seen that before. Right click on your desktop and open nvidia control panel, go to adjust desktop color settings, make sure it is set to 'other applications control color settings'you can try 'use nvidia settings' as well if that doesn't work. You could also try installing that monitors driver if you haven't already, I believe it comes with a base color profile that may fix the issue. Linked it below.
Hmmmmm well i did what you said go to nvidia etc. It was using use nvidia settings, i chose that coz i could adjust brightness, contrast gamma etc. When i select other applications control colour settings everything looks washed out then :/ and brightness, gamma, contrast setting are greyed out, can't be used.

Do you suggest that all my screen colour settings should be done in monitor settings and to leave in nvidia control panel that other applications control colour settings?

Thank you

With a monitor like that acer predator yes I would probably make all my adjustments in the monitors OSD. However a lot of people like that digital vibrancy setting, which basically just increases saturation. I personally just use my monitors OSD.
This is literally driving me nuts, literally. I play the game and through monitor settings i manage to make the image to look good as it did before in windowed mode but now in fullscreen, then when i exit the game my desktop looks all white and washed-out :/ have no idea how to balance it out so it looks ok when using desktop and when playing a game, with just monitor settings for example i can't achieve blacks, darks on desktop to be as when i use nvidia settings.
Well i'm not really sure. I can show you the color settings I am using, I also have a 1440p 144hz monitor though it is IPS.

To get here you right click on desktop, display settings, display adapter properties, color management tab. If you don't have the driver installed you wont have a color profile like mine, it should be similar but will have the name of your monitor instead. You can get a better res image by clicking the icon on the bottom right of the image.


I installed my display driver, so its now sama as ln the pics that you've attached, just so washed out, can't achieve calm, deep darks, blacks without playing with the nvidia settings :/

Hmmmm is there a way that i can make individual nvidia colour settings per application / game? Instead of system controlling it?
Nvidia GPUs are weird when handling color sometimes. It's lists black as 16 instead of 0. And other colours wrong sometimes.
Because your having this issue I'm going to assume you using a HDMI port.
Go to Nvidia control panel (not experience), click on change resolution, the at the bottom you should see "output dynamic range". , Set that to FULL.
That will use the Full Range RGB 0-255, instead of the default 16-235